Alison Wolfe, Ph.D.
From Corning, NY

Whether talking with current or former Finance majors about their experience with Elmira College's Finance program, one theme appears throughout the conversations: the professors at EC helped steer and encourage their students into this exciting field....
April, 06 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeElmira College (EC) and the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), a college of the State University of New York, are partnering to broaden educational opportunities for students in the Tommy Hilfiger Fashion Business School program while helping to bu...
March, 30 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeEach month, Dr. Alison Wolfe, Business and Economics Chair and Director of the Tommy Hilfiger Fashion Business School, puts together a panel of speakers from different business areas to share career advice and insights about the professional world with...
March, 14 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeStudents attending the Elmira College Tommy Hilfiger Fashion Business School (THFBS) will soon have the opportunity to get additional support from the family that inspired the program, Elmira natives Tommy Hilfiger and his siblings Andy Hilfiger and Be...
January, 05 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeOn Oct. 22, Rashaad Nurse '22, received some unexpected praise. During a press conference to introduce the Tommy Hilfiger Gallery that included College representatives, the EC Board of Trustees, local media, and members of the Hilfiger family, Nurse's ...
November, 29 2021 - Verified by Elmira CollegeElmira College representatives and Hilfiger family members were on hand Friday, Oct. 22 to introduce the Tommy Hilfiger Gallery, which honors the Hilfiger family's connection and pride in their hometown of Elmira, New York. Located in Hamilton Hall, th...
October, 22 2021 - Verified by Elmira CollegeElmira College announces an exciting new academic program, as part of its bachelor's degree in business administration, in partnership with Elmira natives and siblings, Andy, Betsy, and Tommy Hilfiger. Named after the American fashion icon, the Tommy H...
April, 12 2021 - Verified by Elmira CollegeThe Elmira College Division of Business and Economics Division will host a virtual panel session from noon to 1:00 p.m., on Tuesday, March 16, featuring a meeting and Q&A session with successful entrepreneurs. This session is the final presentation of ...
March, 12 2021 - Verified by Elmira CollegeElmira College and Syracuse University recently finalized several articulation agreements providing EC graduates a smooth path into one of seven Syracuse graduate programs in the Martin J. Whitman School of Management. Whitman graduate programs incl...
March, 10 2021 - Verified by Elmira CollegeThe Elmira College Entrepreneurial Community (EC2) Development Team recently hosted a Mobile Packing Party on campus in support of the Food Bank of the Southern Tier. The event, which was sponsored by Alison Wolfe, EC associate professor, board memb...
November, 20 2019 - Verified by Elmira CollegeIt is one thing to learn about things like sports, fashion, or entertainment marketing in the classroom. It is quite another to tour an NHL hockey arena with a major sports marketing agency, meet with fashion designer Andy Hilfiger in New York City, or...
August, 29 2019 - Verified by Elmira CollegeKnowing how consumers behave is a potential goldmine for businesses: for example, knowing the dining preferences of customers can help the bottom line of a food service operation, and in retail, the shopping patterns of consumers influence logistics su...
August, 15 2019 - Verified by Elmira CollegeWhat is the best way to learn and understand marketing research and strategy? According to Elmira College Associate Professor of Marketing and Corning Incorporated Foundation Chair in Business, Alison Wolfe, a big part of the answer is to get out of th...
August, 01 2019 - Verified by Elmira CollegeWhen you think of a college education in marketing, most people picture it happening in a classroom. But here at Elmira College, it also involves meeting first-hand with people who work in this industry, and hearing about their real careers and day-to-...
July, 18 2019 - Verified by Elmira College