Dr. Susan Cangro
Assistant Professor of Literacy Education, Education at Elmira College
From Macomb, IL
From Macomb, IL
I grew up in Rock Falls, IL. However, I have also lived in several other places including Macomb, IL, Brattleboro, VT, Wallingford, CT, West Hartford, CT and Hartford, CT. I started out as a music major and am a flutist. I did change my career focus to literacy, earning degrees in elementary education, reading/literacy, and educational leadership. I have presented a large amount of professional development for in-service teachers, and have presented at several conferences. I will be presenting at the New York State Reading Association Conference in November. My hobbies include reading and traveling. I have two daughters - Elise is 24 and a high school choir director and Brianna is 21 and is a music therapist.