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Hannah Zimmerman

SUNY Geneseo
From Oneonta, NY
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SUNY Geneseo

Hannah Zimmerman from Oneonta Named to SUNY Geneseo's Dean's List for Spring 2012

Hannah Zimmerman from Oneonta, NY (13820) was named to the Dean's List at The State University of New York at Geneseo for the spring semester 2012. To be on the list, a student must have achieved...

May, 31 2012 - SUNY Geneseo
Hannah Zimmerman from Oneonta Named to SUNY Geneseo's President's List for Fall 2011

Hannah Zimmerman from Oneonta, NY (13820) was named to the President's List at The State University of New York at Geneseo for the fall semester 2011. To be on the list, a student must have achie...

January, 11 2012 - SUNY Geneseo
Hannah Zimmerman from Oneonta Named to SUNY Geneseo's Dean's List for Spring 2011

Hannah Zimmerman from Oneonta, NY (13820) was named to the Dean's List at The State University of New York at Geneseo for the spring semester 2011. To be on the list, a student must have achie...

June, 06 2011 - SUNY Geneseo
Hannah Zimmerman from Oneonta Named to SUNY Geneseo's Dean's List for Fall 2010

EDITORS: The template for our Dean's List announcement sent earlier today was errorneously titled as Spring 2010 when in fact it is the Fall 2010 list, the title on this release. Apologies for the...

January, 10 2011 - SUNY Geneseo
Hannah Zimmerman from Oneonta Named to SUNY Geneseo's Dean's List for Spring 2010

Hannah Zimmerman from Oneonta, NY (13820) was named to the Dean's List at The State University of New York at Geneseo for the spring semester 2010. To be on the list, a student must have achie...

January, 10 2011 - SUNY Geneseo
Hannah Zimmerman from Oneonta Named to SUNY Geneseo's Dean's List for Spring 2010

Hannah Zimmerman from Oneonta, NY (13820) was named to the Dean's List at The State University of New York at Geneseo for the spring semester 2010. To be on the list, a student must have achieved ...

June, 02 2010 - SUNY Geneseo
Hannah Zimmerman Named to SUNY Geneseo Dean's List for Spring 2009

Hannah Zimmerman from Oneonta, NY (13820) has been named to the Dean's List at The State University of New York at Geneseo for the spring semester 2009. To be on the list, a student must have achi...

June, 04 2009 - SUNY Geneseo
Revised SUNY Geneseo Dean's List for Fall 2008

EDITORS: A technical glitch transposed the first and last name of about 30 students on the fall semester 2008 Dean's List we distributed Feb. 5. We are sending a corrected list below in case any ...

February, 06 2009 - SUNY Geneseo
Revised SUNY Geneseo President's List for Fall 2008

EDITORS: A technical glitch transposed the first and last name of a few students on the fall 2008 President's List we distributed Feb. 5. We are sending a corrected list below in case any of the ...

February, 06 2009 - SUNY Geneseo
Revised SUNY Geneseo President's List for Fall 2008

EDITORS: A technical glitch transposed the first and last name of a few students on the fall 2008 President's List we distributed Feb. 5. We are sending a corrected list below in case any of the ...

February, 05 2009 - SUNY Geneseo
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