Ajay Solomon of Rochester Hills, a student majoring in Biology, served as a peer leader at Bob Jones University for the fall 2015 semester. Peer leaders are upperclassmen that are paired with fres...
June, 01 2016 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityAjay Solomon, a Senior Biology major of Rochester Hills, was among approximately 890 Bob Jones University students named to the Spring 2016 Dean's List. The Dean's List recognizes students who earn...
May, 23 2016 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityRochester Hls resident Ajay Solomon was among nearly 700 students who graduated from Bob Jones University Friday, May 6. Solomon graduated with a BS in Biology. During the 89th commencement exer...
May, 10 2016 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityAjay Solomon, a senior at Bob Jones University pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in biology, was admitted into the master's degree program in molecular/cellular biology at Easter Michigan Unive...
April, 26 2016 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityAjay Solomon, a sophomore Biology major of Rochester Hills, was among approximately 890 Bob Jones University students named to the Fall 2015 Dean's List. The Dean's List recognizes students who ear...
January, 11 2016 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityAjay Solomon, a Junior Biology major of Rochester Hills, was among approximately 830 Bob Jones University students named to the Spring 2015 Dean's List. The Dean's List recognizes students who earn...
June, 01 2015 - Verified by Bob Jones UniversityAjay Solomon, a Sophomore Biology major of Rochester Hills, was among approximately 1,450 Bob Jones University students who were named to the Fall 2013 Dean's List. To qualify for the Dean's List,...
January, 09 2014 - Verified by Bob Jones University