Alexis Ridgway

Alexis Ridgway from Virginia Bch has been named to the Fall 2024 Dean's List at Radford University. Appearing on the Dean's List is the most prestigious academic recognition Radford University stu...
February, 26 2025 - Verified by Radford UniversityAlexis Ridgway of Radford, Virginia, was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. Ridgway was ini...
February, 15 2024 - Verified by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa PhiAlexis Ridgway, a native of Virginia Beach, was recently initiated into the Radford University Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society. The Society welcomed 1,869 new i...
May, 15 2023 - Omicron Delta KappaAlexis Catherine Ridgway was inducted into Radford University's circle of Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) during a ceremony April 10 at the Hurlburt Student Center. The unique mission of ODK is to recog...
April, 13 2023 - Verified by Radford UniversityAlexis Catherine Ridgway from Virginia Beach, VA, has been named to the Fall 2022 Dean's List at Radford University. Appearing on the Dean's List is the most prestigious academic recognition Radfo...
February, 13 2023 - Verified by Radford UniversityAlexis Catherine Ridgway, Interdisciplinary Studies major from Virginia Beach, VA, has been named to the Spring 2022 Dean's List at Radford University. Appearing on the Dean's List is the most pre...
May, 23 2022 - Verified by Radford UniversityAlexis Catherine Ridgway from Virginia Beach, VA (23454), has been named to the Fall 2021 Dean's List at Radford University. Appearing on the Dean's List is the most prestigious academic recogniti...
February, 15 2022 - Verified by Radford University