Amy Wilhelm
University of Delaware, Class of 2020
From South Windsor, CT

University of Delaware
University of Edinburgh
Amy Wilhelm has been named to the University of Delaware Dean's List for the Spring 2020 semester. To meet eligibility requirements for the Dean's List, a student must be enrolled full-time and ea...
June, 30 2020 - University of DelawareHi Amy, are you a #UDGrad2020? If so, we'd love for you to share your memories, gratitude and Blue Hen shout-outs through a short video message with us. Although we can't be together on campus, we...
May, 19 2020 - University of DelawareAmy Wilhelm has been named to the University of Delaware's Dean's List for the Fall 2019 semester. To meet eligibility requirements for the Dean's List, a student must be enrolled full-time and ea...
January, 24 2020 - University of DelawareAmy Wilhelm has been named to the University of Delaware's Dean's List for the Spring 2019 semester. To meet eligibility requirements for the Dean's List, a student must be enrolled full-time and ...
June, 19 2019 - University of DelawareAmy Wilhelm of Newark, Delaware, was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. Wilhelm is pursuin...
February, 04 2019 - Verified by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa PhiAmy Wilhelm has been named to the University of Delaware's Dean's List for the Spring 2018 semester. To meet eligibility requirements for the Dean's List, a student must be enrolled full-time and ...
June, 14 2018 - University of DelawareAmy Wilhelm has been named to the University of Delaware's Dean's List for the Fall 2017 semester. To meet eligibility requirements for the Dean's List, a student must be enrolled full-time and ea...
January, 19 2018 - University of DelawareAmy Wilhelm has been named to the University of Delaware's Dean's List for the Spring 2017 semester. To meet eligibility requirements for the Dean's List, a student must be enrolled full-time and ...
June, 15 2017 - University of DelawareAmy Wilhelm has been named to the University of Delaware's Dean's List for the Fall 2016 semester. To meet eligibility requirements for the Dean's List, a student must be enrolled full-time and ea...
January, 26 2017 - University of DelawareCare for boarding animals by monitoring their health, ensuring proper diets, and administering medications.