Austin Anderson, class of 2021, from Evansville, Wisconsin is majoring in Educational Studies EC/MC and Communication . The parents of Anderson are Michael and Mary Anderson of Evansville, Wiscons...
May, 11 2021 - Verified by Ripon CollegeRipon College has announced its Dean's List for the fall 2020 semester recognizing academic excellence. To qualify for the Dean's List at Ripon College, students must achieve a 3.40 grade point ave...
January, 05 2021 - Verified by Ripon CollegeRipon College has announced its Dean's List for the spring 2019 semester, recognizing academic excellence. To qualify for the Dean's List at Ripon College, students must achieve a 3.40 grade point ...
August, 10 2020 - Verified by Ripon CollegeRipon College has announced its Dean's List for the fall 2019 semester, recognizing academic excellence. To qualify for the Dean's List at Ripon College, students must achieve a 3.40 grade point av...
January, 21 2020 - Verified by Ripon CollegeRipon College has announced its Dean's List for the spring 2019 semester, recognizing academic excellence. To qualify for the Dean's List at Ripon College, students must achieve a 3.40 grade point ...
June, 04 2019 - Verified by Ripon CollegeRipon College has announced its Dean's List for the fall 2017 semester, recognizing academic excellence. Austin Anderson, class of 2021 at Ripon College with major(s) in Undeclared from Evansv...
January, 09 2018 - Verified by Ripon College