Nazareth College is proud to announce that Arianna Palmer of Williamson, NY, has been named to the dean's list for the Fall 2018 semester. A student's grade point average must be at least 3.5 or a...
December, 27 2018 - Verified by Nazareth UniversityNazareth College is proud to announce that Arianna Palmer of Williamson, NY, has been named to the dean's list for the Spring 2018 semester. A student's grade point average must be at least 3.5 or...
May, 22 2018 - Verified by Nazareth UniversityPhi Kappa Phi is the nation's oldest and most selective all-discipline honor society. The Society's mission is "to recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to...
April, 12 2018 - Verified by Nazareth UniversityArianna Palmer of Williamson, New York, was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. Palmer was i...
February, 28 2018 - Verified by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa PhiNazareth College is proud to announce that Arianna Palmer of Williamson, NY, has been named to the dean's list for the Fall 2017 semester. Palmer is majoring in Visual Communication Design. A stude...
January, 08 2018 - Verified by Nazareth UniversityNazareth College is proud to announce that Arianna Palmer of Williamson has been named to the dean's list for the Spring 2017 semester. Palmer is majoring in Visual Communication Design. A student...
May, 25 2017 - Verified by Nazareth UniversityNazareth College is proud to announce that Arianna Palmer of Williamson, NY (14589) has been named to the dean's list for the Fall 2016 semester. Palmer is studying Visual Communication Design. A s...
January, 19 2017 - Verified by Nazareth UniversityNazareth College is proud to announce that Arianna Palmer of Williamson has been named to the dean's list for the Spring 2016 semester. Palmer is majoring in Visual Communication Design. A student...
May, 26 2016 - Verified by Nazareth UniversityThe Nazareth College Department of Art is pleased to present its 2016 Student Art Show, beginning March 29-April 17, with an Artists Reception and Awards Ceremony on Friday, April 8, from 6-8 p.m. ...
March, 22 2016 - Verified by Nazareth UniversityNazareth College is excited to welcome you, Arianna, during your first semester as a new student! At Nazareth, purple and gold are more than our colors, they are our way of life. Good luck Ariann...
August, 26 2015 - Verified by Nazareth University