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Brandon Allen

Majored in Chemistry And Physics
Monmouth College, Class of 2019
From Marengo, IL
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Monmouth College graduates its Class of 2019

Monmouth College held its 162nd annual commencement exercises on May 12 in the Huff Athletic Center. A total of 185 students walked across the platform to receive their diploma from President Clare...

June, 06 2019 - Verified by Monmouth College
Allen makes Dean's List at Monmouth College

Brandon Allen, a senior chemistry and physics major from Marengo, made the Dean's List at Monmouth College for the Spring 2019 semester. To be eligible for the Dean's List, students must have a GP...

June, 04 2019 - Verified by Monmouth College
Monmouth College Class of 2019 told they have the courage to meet life's adversities

Every year, Monmouth College plans to hold its commencement exercises on majestic Wallace Hall Plaza, its campus's beautiful front lawn. Plans changed this year, as saturated grounds, a temperature that struggled to reach 50 degrees and even more ra...

May, 12 2019 - Verified by Monmouth College
Yale-bound senior Brandon Allen built 'diverse skill set' at Monmouth College

Monmouth College senior Brandon Allen isn't used to talking about himself, but Monmouth faculty members have no hesitation in singing his praises. "Brandon is as good as anybody I've known who's gone to an Ivy League school," said chemistry professo...

April, 30 2019 - Verified by Monmouth College
Allen attended the ACS National Meeting and Expo in Orlando, Fla.

Brandon Allen, from Marengo, who is majoring in chemistry and physics, attended the American Chemical Society National Meeting and Expo in Orlando, Fla., in March. Allen presented a poster named In...

April, 23 2019 - Verified by Monmouth College
Monmouth College to host its eighth Merit Badge University for Boy Scouts on March 9

More than 400 Boy Scouts from Illinois and Iowa will gather March 9 at Monmouth College to hone their skills during a day-long Merit Badge University. This is the eighth year that Monmouth College has hosted the Boy Scouts of America's annual confer...

March, 06 2019 - Verified by Monmouth College
Allen makes Dean's List at Monmouth College

Brandon Allen of Marengo made the Dean's List at Monmouth College for the Fall 2018 semester. To make the Dean's List for a given semester, students must achieve at least a 3.5 GPA while taking at...

January, 29 2019 - Verified by Monmouth College
Brandon Allen makes Dean's List at Monmouth College

Brandon Allen, a senior chemistry and physics major from Marengo Ill. , was named to the Dean's List at Monmouth College for the spring semester. To make the Dean's List, students must take at l...

July, 31 2018 - Verified by Monmouth College
Allen conducts summer research at Monmouth College

Brandon Allen, a senior chemistry and physics major from Marengo, Ill., recently spent eight weeks as a Kieft Summer Research Student at Monmouth College. Allen worked on a project titled "Visualization of Langmuir Monolayer Films with In-House Asse...

July, 27 2018 - Verified by Monmouth College
Monmouth's Kieft Scholars benefit from summer of dedicated chemistry research

Whether looking to create materials, produce better biofuels, treat diabetes or simply enhance the experience of buying bread, Monmouth College's group of Kieft Scholars had an interesting and productive summer. The 11 students, who will complete th...

July, 17 2018 - Verified by Monmouth College
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