Fatoumata Camara of Bronx Named to Monroe College Dean's List for Winter 2019 Semester
Fatoumata Camara of Bronx was recently named to the Monroe College Dean's List for the Winter 2019 semester, which ended in April 2019. At Monroe, the Deans' List comprises full-time students who ...
July, 01 2019 - Monroe College
Fatoumata Camara Named to the Winter 2018 President's List at Monroe College
Monroe College is pleased to announce that Fatoumata Camara was named to the Winter 2018 President's List. The President's List is comprised of full-time students who have excelled in their course...
July, 10 2018 - Monroe College
Fatoumata Camara Named to the Spring 2017 President's List at Monroe College
Monroe College is pleased to announce that Fatoumata Camara was named to the Spring 2017 President's List. The President's List is comprised of full-time students who have excelled in their course...
June, 27 2018 - Monroe College
Fatoumata Camara was recognized for earning a spot on the President's list
Added by Fatoumata