Cassidy Cammarota
As a senior highschool student as well as a full-time college student with a part-time job, life has thrown me many curveballs. However, I believe on focusing on positive things, having good vibes, and taking everything one thing at a time. I love art, dance, music, theatre, and movie-making. I have conducted flash-mob dances, theatrical productions, and movie scripts. I also have taught theatre classes for younger children and have acted in school movies and several plays.

Show Low, AZ resident Cassidy Cammarota, has been named to the Dean's List at Northland Pioneer College for the Spring 2016 semester. Students who earn Dean's List honors must carry at least 12 gra...
June, 14 2016 - Verified by Northland Pioneer CollegeShow Low , AZ resident Cassidy Cammarota , has been named to the President's List at Northl...
January, 22 2016 - Verified by Northland Pioneer CollegeCassidy Cammarota from Show Low, AZ is a prestigious Northland Pioneer College President's Scholar for the 2015-16 academic year. President's Scholars participate in a weekly Honors Colloquium, spe...
September, 23 2015 - Verified by Northland Pioneer CollegeNPC Student Cassidy Cammarota participated in the 2015 University Road Trip. The trip provides students at Northland Pioneer College an opportunity to tour various university campuses and explore t...
May, 06 2015 - Verified by Northland Pioneer CollegeOn April 23 and 25, 2015, Cassidy Cammarota from Northland Pioneer College participated in the Greek comedy "Women of Congress," featuring women of Athens striving to taking over the male-dominated...
May, 04 2015 - Verified by Northland Pioneer CollegeShow Low , AZ resident Cassidy Cammarota , has been named to the dean's list at Northland P...
January, 21 2015 - Verified by Northland Pioneer CollegeCassidy Cammarota of Show Low is a member of the cast and crew for Northland Pioneer College's performances of Neil Simon's Brighton Beach Memoirs this November at the Performing Arts Center on the...
September, 18 2014 - Verified by Northland Pioneer CollegeShow Low , AZ resident, Cassidy Cammarota , has been named to the president's list at North...
July, 10 2014 - Verified by Northland Pioneer College