Cassandra Dunn, who recently graduated from William Woods University, has been named to the 2017 edition of the prestigious academic ranking of "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities an...
July, 07 2017 - William Woods UniversityIt was a successful year for William Woods University academics. A total of 259 students were named to the Dean's List for academic accomplishments during the 2016 fall term. To be named to the ...
January, 25 2017 - William Woods UniversityCassie Dunn was inducted into the Pi Phi chapter of the Beta Beta Beta (Tri Beta) national biological honor society during the 2015-16 academic William Woods University. Beta Beta Beta i...
July, 11 2016 - William Woods UniversityCassandra Dunn has been named to the Dean's List at William Woods University for academic accomplishments during the 2016 spring term. To be named to the Dean's List, a student must be full-time a...
May, 19 2016 - William Woods UniversityCassandra Dunn has been named to the Dean's List at William Woods University for academic accomplishments during the 2015 fall term. To be named to the Dean's List, a student must be full-time and...
February, 03 2016 - William Woods UniversityCassie Dunn was among 17 students inducted into the Omicron Delta Kappa honor society Jan. 26 at William Woods University. Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) is a prestigious national leadership honor so...
January, 28 2016 - William Woods UniversityCassandra Dunn of San Diego, California, 92110 has earned a spot on the spring 2015 Dean's List at William Woods University. A total of 205 William Woods University students were honored for acade...
June, 24 2015 - William Woods UniversityHonors Scholars are students who meet specific academic criteria, allowing them the opportunity to participate in a program designed to provide a challenging curriculum. The Honors Program at Will...
June, 04 2015 - William Woods UniversityCassie Dunn of San Diego, California (92110), has been selected for membership in Beta Beta Beta Honor Society at William Woods University. Beta Beta Beta is a national biological honor society fo...
June, 03 2015 - William Woods UniversityWilliam Woods University has released the Dean's List for academic accomplishments during the 2014 fall term. Among those listed is Cassandra Dunn of San Diego, California, 92110. To be named to t...
January, 15 2015 - William Woods UniversityCassie Dunn of San Diego, Calif., is one of 40 students who participated in the Honors Scholars program at William Woods University during the 2013-2014 academic year. The Honors Scholars program ...
May, 23 2014 - William Woods UniversityWilliam Woods University has released the Dean's List for academic accomplishments during the 2013 fall term. Among those listed is Cassie Dunn of San Diego, Calif. To be named to the Dean's L...
December, 20 2013 - William Woods University