Christian Koehl
Trine University, Class of 2019
From Fort Wayne, IN

Christian Koehl of Fort Wayne completed degree requirements at the end of the Fall 2019 semester at Trine University. Koehl earned a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering degree.
January, 15 2020 - Verified by Trine UniversityEight graduating seniors in Trine University's Allen School of Engineering & Technology were inducted into the Order of the Engineer during a ceremony on Dec. 4. Christian Koehl of Fort Wayne, maj...
December, 05 2019 - Verified by Trine UniversityEight graduating seniors in Trine University's Allen School of Engineering & Technology were inducted into the Order of the Engineer during a ceremony on Dec. 4. The following students participated in the ring ceremony in Fawick Hall: Katherin...
December, 05 2019 - Verified by Trine UniversityChristian Koehl of Fort Wayne, Ind. began studying Mechanical Engineering at Trine University in fall 2015.
November, 12 2015 - Verified by Trine University