Connor Murphy
Connor Murphy is one of 511 seniors to earn their degree from Grove City College on May 18, 2019. Murphy earned a Bachelor of Science degree Physics and Mathematics and is from Grove City. Grove C...
May, 30 2019 - Verified by Grove City CollegeConnor Murphy, a junior major at Grove City College, has been named to the Dean's List with High Distinction for the Spring 2018 semester. Connor is a 2015 graduate of Homeschool and is the son of ...
June, 15 2018 - Verified by Grove City CollegeConnor Murphy, a junior major at Grove City College, has been named to the Dean's List with High Distinction for the Fall 2017 semester. Connor is a 2015 graduate of Homeschool and is the son of Mr...
January, 16 2018 - Verified by Grove City CollegeGrove City College Physics majors' nanotechnology research took the top prize at a recent American Physical Society (APS) conference.
December, 11 2017 - Verified by Grove City CollegeConnor Murphy, a Physics major at Grove City College, has been named to the Dean's List with Distinction for the Spring 2017 semester. Connor is a 2015 graduate of Home School and is the son of Mrs...
June, 05 2017 - Verified by Grove City CollegeConnor Murphy, a sophomore Physics major at Grove City College, has been named to the Dean's List with Distinction for the Fall 2016 semester. Connor is a 2015 graduate of Home School and is the so...
February, 13 2017 - Verified by Grove City CollegeConnor Murphy, a freshman Physics major at Grove City College, has been named to the Dean's List with High Distinction for the Spring 2016 semester. Connor is a 2015 graduate of Home School and is ...
May, 25 2016 - Verified by Grove City CollegeConnor Murphy, a freshman Physics major at Grove City College, has been named to the Dean's List with High Distinction for the Fall 2015 semester. Connor is a 2015 graduate of Homeschooled and is t...
February, 08 2016 - Verified by Grove City College