William Peace University welcomes the newest members of the WPU community, including first-year students, transfers, and our TUG and SPS students, for the 2024-2025 academic year.
October, 03 2024 - Verified by William Peace UniversityWilliam Peace University congratulates Daisy Byungura on earning the Dean's List honors during the spring 2023 semester. To qualify for WPU Dean's List students must earn a GPA between ...
March, 27 2024 - Verified by William Peace UniversityRALEIGH, N.C. - A downtown Raleigh university is launching a new major that redefines the way students study art, music, theatre, game design, film, media, and dance. The new Interdisciplinary Arts (IDA) degree at William Peace University offers stude...
September, 21 2023 - Verified by William Peace UniversityDaisy Byungura of Colfax, was among 220 students named to the Fall 2022 Seemester Dean's List at William Peace University. Congrats, Daisy, on earning the Deans' List with Distinction. To be elig...
February, 15 2023 - Verified by William Peace University