Danielle D'Amato

YSU reconizes its students' academic success with recently released President's List and Dean's List. Danielle D'Amato, a Nursing BSN major from Youngstown, Ohio was named to the President's List ...
June, 15 2018 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityYSU reconizes student academic success with the President's List. Danielle D'Amato, a Nursing BSN major from Youngstown, Ohio, was named to the President's List for the Spring 2018 semester. Hono...
June, 15 2018 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityDanielle D'Amato of Youngstown, OH (44514), has been named to the President's List for Spring Semester 2017 at Youngstown State University. D'Amato is a Nursing major. To qualify for the President...
June, 09 2017 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityDanielle D'Amato of Youngstown, OH (44514), has been named to the Dean's List for the Spring Semester 2017 at Youngstown State University. D'Amato is a Nursing BSN major. The Dean's List recognize...
June, 07 2017 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityDanielle D'Amato of Youngstown, OH (44514), a Nursing major at Youngstown State University, was among 96 sophomores to receive "white coats" at a ceremony Jan. 23 in Kilcawley Center on the YSU cam...
January, 25 2017 - Verified by Youngstown State University