Daniel Shooshanian
Daniel Shooshanian of Natick, MA graduated from the University of New Hampshire over the weekend of May 20-22, 2022. He/she earned a BS degree in BusAdm:Finance. Students who received the honor S...
May, 26 2022 - University of New HampshireDaniel Shooshanian of Natick, MA has been named to the Dean's List at the University of New Hampshire for earning Honors for the fall 2021 semester. Shooshanian is majoring in BusAdm:Finance. Stud...
February, 04 2022 - University of New HampshireDaniel Shooshanian of Natick has been named to the Dean's List at the University of New Hampshire for earning Honors for the fall 2018 semester. Shooshanian is majoring in Business Administration. ...
January, 28 2019 - University of New HampshireWorked as a cashier from July 2017- October 2017, December 2018- January 2019.
I worked as an after school tutor and mentor for elementary and middle school students. I also ran activities and gained leadership experience.
I worked as a busboy at a local seafood restaurant.