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Darcie Patton

Majored in Master Of Accountancy
Manchester University, Class of 2022
From In, IN
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Darcie Patton named to Dean's List at Manchester University

At the end of each semester, the Office of Academic Affairs publishes the Dean's List. Darcie Patton of In (46953) was named to the Manchester University Spring 2022 Dean's List. Patton was among...

August, 08 2022 - Verified by Manchester University
Darcie Patton graduates from Manchester University

Darcie Patton of Marion graduated with a master's degree in Accountancy, cum laude, from Manchester University during the May 21 Commencement exercises. Patton was among more than 260 students who...

July, 20 2022 - Verified by Manchester University
'It's a Woman's World' to debut at Manchester University

Students in the Manchester University Theatre Society will present an original musical, It's a Woman's World, by Andy Vance. The musical is a theatrical, dramatic-comedy that follows different women in their journeys through dealing with struggles in ...

March, 24 2022 - Verified by Manchester University
Darcie Patton in cast of musical debut at Manchester

Students in the Manchester University Theatre Society will present an original musical, It's a Woman's World, by Andy Vance. Darcie Patton is in the cast. Patton is from Marion and majoring in Mas...

March, 23 2022 - Verified by Manchester University
Darcie Patton named to Dean's List at Manchester University

At the end of each semester, the Office of Academic Affairs publishes the Dean's List. Darcie Patton of Marion was named to the Manchester University Fall 2021 Dean's List. Patton was among 357 s...

January, 24 2022 - Verified by Manchester University
Darcie Patton part of Theatre Society production, 'The View'

Darcie Patton, as a member of the Manchester University Theatre Society, contributed to the production of The View, a theatrical, psychological thriller to be presented 7:30 p.m. Nov. 5 and 6, 2021...

October, 16 2021 - Verified by Manchester University
Darcie Patton named to Dean's List at Manchester University

At the end of each semester, the Office of Academic Affairs publishes the Dean's List. Darcie Patton of Marion was named to the Manchester University undergraduate spring 2021 Dean's List. Patton...

June, 25 2021 - Verified by Manchester University
Darcie Patton named to Dean's List at Manchester University

At the end of each semester, the Office of Academic Affairs publishes the Dean's List. Darcie Patton of Marion was named to the Manchester University Fall 2020 Dean's List. Patton was among 382 s...

March, 02 2021 - Verified by Manchester University
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