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Dennie Addis

Majoring in English And Creative Writing, Publishing Track, Minoring in News And Media Literacy
University of Iowa, Class of 2025
From Lynnville, IN
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Eden Addis named to University of Iowa dean's list for 2024 fall semester

Eden Addis of Lynnville, IN was among the more than 8,700 undergraduate students at the University of Iowa named to the dean's list for the 2024 fall semester. Guidelines for inclusion on the lis...

February, 05 2025 - Verified by University of Iowa
Eden Addis named to University of Iowa dean's list for 2023 fall semester

Eden Addis of Lynnville IN was among the more than 7,900 undergraduate students at the University of Iowa named to the dean's list for the 2023 fall semester. Addis is an undergraduate - third yea...

January, 22 2024 - Verified by University of Iowa
Eden Addis named to University of Iowa dean's list for 2023 spring semester

Eden Addis of Lynnville, IN was among the more than 7,100 undergraduate students at the University of Iowa named to the dean's list for the 2023 spring semester. Addis is a undergraduate - second...

June, 16 2023 - Verified by University of Iowa
Eden Addis named to University of Iowa dean's list for 2022 fall semester

Eden Addis of Lynnville, IN was among the more than 7,500 undergraduate students at the University of Iowa named to the dean's list for the 2022 fall semester. Addis is a second year student i...

January, 19 2023 - Verified by University of Iowa
Eden Addis named to University of Iowa dean's list for 2022 spring semester

Eden Addis of Lynnville, IN was among the more than 4,000 undergraduate students at the University of Iowa named to the dean's list for the 2022 spring semester. Addis is a first year student in ...

June, 15 2022 - Verified by University of Iowa
Eden Addis named to University of Iowa dean's list for 2021 fall semester

Eden Addis of Lynnville, IN was among the more than 6,900 undergraduate students at the University of Iowa named to the dean's list for the 2021 fall semester. Addis is a First Year student in...

January, 20 2022 - Verified by University of Iowa
Eden Addis, peers are the most academically accomplished class in University of Iowa history

This fall's incoming undergraduate class at the University of Iowa -- a group that includes Eden Addis of Lynnville, IN -- has yet again topped previous records in achievement with a higher average...

September, 09 2021 - Verified by University of Iowa
Dennie Addis was recognized for earning a spot on the Dean's List
Degree-seeking undergraduate students in the Carver College of Medicine, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the College of Education, the College of Engineering, the College of Public Health, the Tippie College of Business, and University College who achieve a grade-point average (GPA) of 3.50 or higher on 12 semester hours or more of UI graded coursework during a given semester or summer session and who have no semester hours of I (incomplete) or O (no grade reported) during the same semester are recognized by inclusion on the deans list for that semester
Spring 2023 - Added by Dennie
Dennie Addis was recognized for earning a spot on the Dean's List
Dennie Addis of Lynnville, IN was among the more than 7,500 undergraduate students at the University of Iowa named to the dean's list for the 2022 fall semester. Addis is a second-year student in Iowa's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and is majoring in English and Creative Writing. Only 2,427 first-year undergraduates earned Dean's list status during the 2022 fall semester at Iowa, 1,768 second-year students, 1,503 third-year students, and 1,845 fourth-year students.
Fall 2022 - Added by Dennie
Dennie Addis was recognized for earning a spot on the Dean's List
Dennie Addis of Lynnville, IN was among the more than 4,000 undergraduate students at the University of Iowa named to the dean's list for the 2022 spring semester. Dean's list status was earned by 714 first-year undergraduates during the 2022 spring semester at Iowa, only 1,268 second-year students, only 1,559 third-year students, and only 2,045 fourth-year students.
Spring 2022 - Added by Dennie
Dennie Addis was recognized for earning a spot on the Dean's List
Students who achieve a grade-point average (GPA) of 3.50 or higher on nine semester hours (fall 2021) or more of UI graded coursework during a given semester or summer session and who have no semester hours of "I" (incomplete) or "O" (no grade reported) during the same semester are recognized by inclusion on the dean's list for that semester.
Fall 2021 - Added by Dennie
New Moon Literary Magazine
As one of the three Creative Directors at New Moon, I am responsible for typesetting each issue and collaborating with the rest of the team to finalize production.
Summer 2023 - Spring 2024 - University of Iowa
Added by Dennie
Cave Writing Lit Mag
Reading submissions to Cave Writing and providing feedback to the Editor for consideration.
Spring 2022 - University of Iowa
Added by Dennie
Drama Club
Participation in school productions as an actor, stagehand, and set designer.
Fall 2019 - Spring 2021 - Tecumseh Senior High School
Added by Dennie
Undergraduate Assistant at University of Iowa Writer's Workshop

Operate copy machine to copy creative writing worksheets, stapling and filing; also some general office work. Running errands, answering phones and some typing. Must have attention to detail, be dependable, and able to work well with people.

August 2022 - Present
Locker Attendant at Smarte Carte Inc.

Locker Attendants are responsible for assisting guests with locker rental; this includes assisting with the rental and operation of the lockers, answering questions, troubleshooting locker issues, etc. Other responsibilities include cleaning the lockers and locker areas, and locker repair and maintenance.

June 2021 - Present
Seasonal Team Member at Holiday World & Splashin' Safari

Customer service; phone calls; over-the-phone transactions; rentals; food sales; cash handling; etc.

June 2020 - Present
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