Emelly Del Carmen Tiburcio of Sinking Spg, PA (19608), has been awarded a Bachelor of Science in Physics: Astronomy Magna Cum Laude from Kutztown University. Kutztown University has conferred degr...
August, 14 2023 - Verified by Kutztown University of Pennsylvania1,949 students have been named to the Spring 2023 Dean's List at Kutztown University, including Emelly Del Carmen Tiburcio of Sinking Spg, PA (19608). To be eligible for the Dean's List, an underg...
June, 01 2023 - Verified by Kutztown University of PennsylvaniaKutztown University presented the Chambliss Student Academic Achievement Awards to six accomplished students Friday, April 21, including Emelly D Tiburcio of Reading, PA (19608). Students who recei...
April, 21 2023 - Verified by Kutztown University of PennsylvaniaEmelly D Tiburcio of Reading, PA (19608), has been awarded a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Kutztown University. Kutztown University has conferred degrees for more than 1,070 students for ...
July, 18 2022 - Verified by Kutztown University of PennsylvaniaMore than 1,850 students have been named to the Spring 2022 Dean's List at Kutztown University, including Emelly D Tiburcio of Reading, PA (19608). To be eligible for the Dean's List, an undergrad...
June, 08 2022 - Verified by Kutztown University of Pennsylvania