Emma Leblanc of Clifton Park Named to The College of Saint Rose Dean's List for Spring 2013
Emma Leblanc of Clifton Park, NY, was among 812 students named to the Dean's List for the spring 2013 semester at The College of Saint Rose in Albany, NY. Full-time students who complete a minimum...
July, 22 2013 - The College of Saint Rose
Emma Leblanc of Clifton Park Named to The College of Saint Rose Dean's List for Fall 2012
Emma Leblanc of Clifton Park, Saratoga County, was among 805 students named to the Dean's List for the fall 2012 semester at The College of Saint Rose in Albany, N.Y. Full-time students who comple...
January, 29 2013 - The College of Saint Rose
Emma LeBlanc from Clifton Park, NY Named to SUNY Oneonta Dean's List
Emma LeBlanc is among 1,507 students who earned Dean's List honors for the fall 2010 semester at SUNY Oneonta. To qualify for the Dean's List, undergraduate students must earn a grade point avera...
January, 24 2011 - Verified by SUNY Oneonta