Evan Joseph Mielak of Lincoln has been named to the Deans' List at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for the fall semester of the 2022-23 academic year. Mielak, a junior majoring in software engi...
February, 06 2023 - Verified by University of Nebraska-LincolnEvan Joseph Mielak of Lincoln has been named to the Deans' List at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for the spring semester of the 2021-22 academic year. Mielak, a junior majoring in software en...
June, 22 2022 - Verified by University of Nebraska-LincolnEvan Joseph Mielak of Lincoln has been named to the Deans' List at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for the spring semester of the 2020-21 academic year. Mielak, a freshman majoring in software ...
June, 21 2021 - Verified by University of Nebraska-LincolnEvan Joseph Mielak of Lincoln has been named to the Deans' List at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for the fall semester of the 2020-21 academic year. Mielak, a freshman majoring in software en...
February, 10 2021 - Verified by University of Nebraska-LincolnEvan Mielak of Lincoln, a senior at Lincoln Southwest, has been offered the Regents scholarship from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The university has offered more than 5,500 universitywide s...
April, 20 2020 - Verified by University of Nebraska-Lincoln