Gertrude Eguae-Obazee, D.B.A., C.P.A, C.G.M.A
Professor of Accounting, Business, Accounting & Economics at Albright College
From Reading, PA.
From Reading, PA.
Dr. Obazee is Professor of Accounting at the Business, Accounting & Economics department. Before joining Albright College in 1991, she was an Assistant Professor of Accounting at the Tuskegee University School of Business School and an Instructor of Accounting at Miles College.
She has also worked as an accounting and tax consultant to various small businesses. She received her D.B.A. from Wilmington University in New Castle, DE, M.B.A. with concentration in Accounting from Jackson State University, Jackson, MS, and B.S. in Accounting and Economics from Northwestern Oklahoma State University. She is a Certified Public Accountant. Her research focuses on the impact of corruption on foreign direct investments and economic growth.
Professor Obazee currently teaches Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Advanced Accounting, and International Accounting Seminar. She is currently the Co-Chair of the Business, Accounting & Economics department.

Service to Albright
Coordinator, Accelerated Degree Completion Accounting Program, 2013-2017;
Chair, Accounting Department (Date);
Co-Chair, Business, Accounting & Economics Department (Date);
Roessner Hall Opening Planning Group;
Faculty Advisor, Enactus (formerly Students In Free Enterprise);
Conference Planner in Partnership with Center for Excellence in Local Government Albright College and Berks County; Community Foundation The Accounting/Finance Association Conference;
Participant/Presenter, Admission Events and Open Houses;
Member, Experience Program Subcommittee;
Member, Presidents Council on Diversity and Community;
Member, Enrollment Development Committee;
Member, Affirmative Action Committee;
Honors Theses Advisor;
Faculty Advisor Students Internships;
Served on Search Committees in Accounting, Business and Economics, and Chemistry ;
Chaired the Search Committees for Accounting Day Program and Accelerated Degree Completion Accounting Program Coordinator search;
Member, Finance Subcommittee
Albright College Faculty
Added by Gertrude
Impact of falling and volatile oil prices on oil exporting countries
82nd International Atlantic Economic Society (IAES) Conference
October 2016 -
A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Taxation on Revenue Generation in the Developing Countries of Ghana and Nigeria.
American Accounting Association, Mid-Atlantic Region Conference
April 2015 -
Securitization Accounting as a Microsocial Contract—The Mechanism and the Ethical Challenges
American Accounting Association, Mid-Atlantic Region; Kang Cheng, Morgan State University
April 2014 -
Impact of tax administration and compliance on government revenue generation capabilities in developing countries: A comparison of Ghana and Nigeria.
American Accounting Association, Mid-Atlantic Region Conference
April 2013 -
Improving education of African students through technology: A comparison of Ghana & the U.S.
National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), 22nd National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Salisbury, MD. (Poster)
April 2008 -
Courses Taught
ACC 101 – Financial Accounting;
ACC 325 – Cost Accounting;
ACC 338 – Advanced Accounting;
ACC 480 – International Accounting Seminar
The Effects of Corruption on the Inflow of Foreign Direct Investment into Ten Sub-Saharan African Countries: Using Ghana and Nigeria as Discussion Points.
Research Projects
Comparative Tax Analysis: Ghana, Nigeria, and the United States of America.
Research Projects
Improving the advancement in the education of African students through technology – A Case of Ghana.
ACRE 2007
Research Projects
Doing Business in Nigeria and Ghana – Culture and Tax Implications.
Research Projects
Impact of Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations on the Economic Growth and Development in Developing Economies.
ACRE 2016
Research Projects
Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria and Ghana.
Research Projects
The Impact of Domestic Corruption on Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis of Five Sub-Saharan African Countries.
Northeastern Association of Business, Economics, and Technology (NABET), 2016 NABET Annual Meeting - a Peer Reviewed Conference.
The Impact of Military Spending on Social Spending: An Empirical Analysis
Pennsylvania Economic Association (PEA) 2017 PEA Annual Conference