Gina Olson of Osceola, IA, graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Nursing) from Graceland University, celebrated in a ceremony on Dec. 14, 2019, in Lamoni, IA.
January, 07 2020 - Verified by Graceland UniversityThe honor roll lists for Graceland University's 2019 fall term have been announced, and Gina Olson of Osceola, IA, has been named to the president's list. Graceland University students with a perf...
December, 20 2019 - Verified by Graceland UniversityThe honor roll lists for Graceland University's 2019 spring term have been announced, and Gina Olson of Osceola, IA, has been named to the dean's list. Graceland University students with a GPA bet...
May, 06 2019 - Verified by Graceland UniversityThe honor roll lists for Graceland University's 2018 fall term have been announced, and Gina Olson of Osceola, IA, has been named to the President's List . Graceland University stud...
December, 21 2018 - Verified by Graceland UniversityThe honor roll lists for Graceland University's 2018 spring term have been announced, and Gina Olson of Osceola, IA, has been named to the President's List . Graceland University st...
May, 08 2018 - Verified by Graceland UniversityThe honor roll lists for Graceland University's 2017 fall term have been announced, and Gina Olson of Osceola, IA, has been named to the President's List . Graceland University stud...
December, 21 2017 - Verified by Graceland University