Greta Frost
Youngstown State University, Class of 2019
From North Jackson, Ohio

Youngstown State University
Jackson-Milton High/Middle School
Greta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio, received a Master of Arts in Economics at Youngstown State University's Spring 2019 Commencement. Frost was one of more than 1,500 students awarded undergraduat...
June, 19 2019 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio (44451), is a member of Youngstown State University's student chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, which earned the national political science honorary's Best Chapter Award...
September, 07 2017 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio, Political Science major, received a Bachelor of Arts at Youngstown State University's Spring 2017 Commencement. Frost was one of more than 1,300 students awa...
June, 14 2017 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, OH (44451), has been named to the Dean's List for the Spring Semester 2017 at Youngstown State University. Frost is a Political Science major. The Dean's List recogni...
June, 07 2017 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, OH (44451) was named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for the Fall Semester 2016. Frost is a YSU Political Science major.
January, 17 2017 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, OH has been named to the President's List at Youngstown State University. Frost is a YSU Political Science major. To qualify for the prestigious President's List, stud...
January, 17 2017 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversitySenior Youngstown State University student Greta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio, was selected to present at the 51st Annual Conference of the National Collegiate Honors Council in Seattle, Wash., thi...
October, 18 2016 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio, a Political Science major, is one of more than 675 Youngstown State University students named to club and organization leadership positions on campus this fal...
October, 03 2016 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityYoungstown State University Honors College student Greta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio, was one of nearly 450 students who participated in Global Day of Service this year. An annual Honors College ...
September, 14 2016 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, OH, has made the Dean's List for the Spring 2016 semester at Youngstown State University as one of the university's high achieving students. Frost is in the Political...
June, 08 2016 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, OH, earned a spot on the President's List for the Spring 2016 semester at Youngstown State University. The President's List includes YSU students earning 4.0 grade-poi...
June, 08 2016 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio, was inducted into the 2016 class of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges at this year's Youngstown State University Student Awards Banque...
May, 05 2016 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost, a Youngstown State University junior from North Jackson, OH, presented research at this year's QUEST event. Frost is a student in the Political Science program at YSU and was among ne...
April, 20 2016 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio, was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines. Fr...
April, 07 2016 - Verified by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa PhiGreta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio, has been named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for the Fall 2015 Semester. Frost is majoring in Political Science. To be eligible for the Dean...
January, 13 2016 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio, a Junior at Youngstown State University, is Officer of Cafe Lingua at YSU. Greta is majoring in Political Science at YSU.
December, 03 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio, has been named to the President's List at Youngstown State University for the Spring 2015 Semester. Greta is majoring in Political Science at YSU. To be eligibl...
June, 10 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio, has been named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for Spring Semester 2015. Frost is majoring in Political Science at YSU. To be eligible for the...
June, 10 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio, who is majoring in Political Science, received the Pin award at the first Youngstown State University Honors College Recognition Ceremony this spring. More than...
April, 24 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio, has been named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for the Fall 2014 Semester. Frost is majoring in Political Science at YSU. To be eligible for t...
January, 15 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio, has been named to the President's List at Youngstown State University for the Fall 2014 Semester. Greta is majoring in Political Science at YSU. To be eligible ...
January, 13 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio, a Sophomore at Youngstown State University, made a presentation at the 49th annual meeting of the National Collegiate Honors Council in Colorado. Greta is majo...
November, 17 2014 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, OH, has been named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for the Spring 2014 Semester. Frost is majoring in Political Science at YSU. To be eligible for ...
June, 06 2014 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityYoungstown State University student Greta Frost of North Jackson, Ohio, made a presentation at the annual QUEST research conference on the YSU campus. Frost is majoring in Political Science at YSU...
April, 16 2014 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, OH, has been named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for the Fall 2013 Semester. Frost is majoring in Political Science at YSU. To be eligible for the...
January, 06 2014 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, OH, is among nearly 2,000 new freshmen enrolled at Youngstown State University for the 2013-14 academic year. Greta is majoring in Political Science. In all, the new ...
August, 21 2013 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityGreta Frost of North Jackson, OH, a graduate of Jackson-Milton High School, has been named a Leslie H. Cochran University Scholar at Youngstown State University. The University Scholars program, s...
June, 03 2013 - Verified by Youngstown State University