Hannah Battley

Coastal Carolina University recognized nearly 700 students during its in-person Fall 2020 commencement ceremony held Friday, Dec. 11, in Brooks Stadium. Among the graduates was Hannah Battley a Mus...
February, 25 2021 - Coastal Carolina UniversityMore than 900 undergraduate students at Coastal Carolina University were named to the President's List for the Fall 2020 semester, including Hannah Battley a Music major from Loris, SC (29569).
January, 27 2021 - Coastal Carolina UniversityMore than 1,100 students were named to the President's List at Coastal Carolina University for the Spring 2020 semester, including Hannah Battley, a music major from Loris, SC, 29569.
June, 25 2020 - Coastal Carolina UniversityMore than 2,400 Coastal Carolina University students were named to the Dean's List for the Fall 2019 semester. That's nearly 20 percent of the student body with a grade point average between 3.5-3....
January, 22 2020 - Coastal Carolina UniversityMore than 2,000 Coastal Carolina University students were named to the Dean's List for the Spring 2019 semester. That's nearly 20 percent of the student body with a grade point average between 3.5-...
May, 28 2019 - Coastal Carolina UniversityMore than 2,400 students at Coastal Carolina University were named to the Dean's List for the Fall 2018 semester. That's more than 23 percent of the student body earning a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Am...
December, 20 2018 - Coastal Carolina UniversityMore than 2,000 Coastal Carolina University students were named to the Dean's List for the Spring 2018 semester. Students who make the Dean's List have achieved a 3.5 GPA or higher during the semes...
June, 05 2018 - Coastal Carolina UniversityHannah Battley, a music major from Loris, SC, is among four Coastal Carolina University music students who have been awarded an Herron-Carleton-Talbert scholarship from the Grand Strand Opera Works...
February, 26 2018 - Coastal Carolina UniversityHannah Battley, of Loris, SC, majoring in music, was among 2,419 students at Coastal Carolina University who made the Fall 2017 Dean's List. To qualify for the Dean's List, freshmen must earn a 3....
January, 17 2018 - Coastal Carolina UniversityHannah Battley of Loris, SC, performed in Coastal Carolina University's Concert Choir holiday concert recently at the First United Methodist Church of Conway. Directed by Timothy Koch, teaching as...
December, 18 2017 - Coastal Carolina UniversityHannah Battley, a music major from Loris, SC, recently performed in a concert held by CCU's student ensemble Acoustic Songbook. The student musicians presented unplugged versions of popular songs f...
December, 18 2017 - Coastal Carolina UniversityHannah Battley, of Loris, SC, majoring in music, was among 1,920 students at Coastal Carolina University who made the Spring 2017 Dean's List. To qualify for the Dean's List, freshmen must earn a ...
June, 01 2017 - Coastal Carolina UniversityHannah Battley, a freshman majoring in music, from Loris, SC, was among 2,253 students at Coastal Carolina University who made the Fall 2016 Dean's List. To qualify for the Dean's List, freshmen m...
January, 25 2017 - Coastal Carolina UniversityWelcome to Teal Nation, Hannah Battley! Starting right now, your Merit page will feature all the great things you do at Coastal Carolina. Each time the college publishes an achievement update abou...
August, 04 2016 - Coastal Carolina University