Heather Bogner of Plattsmouth, NE, is one 258 students named to the Chadron State College president's list for the fall 2015 semester. The president's list requires a 4.0 cumulative grade point av...
December, 23 2015 - Chadron State CollegeHeather Bogner of Plattsmouth, NE, earned a Bachelor of Arts during Chadron State College's winter commencement on Dec. 18. One hundred and forty-five students will officially become graduates of ...
December, 17 2015 - Chadron State CollegeHeather Bogner of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, daughter of Steve and Sandy Bogner, Received the G & L Novotny Business Scholarship for $612. Heather is a junior studying business at Chadron State College.
October, 27 2014 - Chadron State CollegeHeather Bogner of Plattsmouth, Neb., qualified for the fall 2012 president's list at Chadron State College. The president's list, which requires all A's, consists of 239 names. Students must be ...
January, 05 2013 - Chadron State College