Kyle Liam Mason Graduates from Mary Baldwin University
On May 19, the MBU family bid farewell to 420 members of the Class of 2019 on Page Terrace during the university's 177th Commencement exercises. "To each of you this Commencement captures the chal...
June, 03 2019 - Verified by Mary Baldwin University
Kyle Mason of Richmond Named to MBU Honors List
Kyle Mason of Richmond, VA, was named to the Fall 2018 Honors List at Mary Baldwin University. Students named to the Honors List earned grade point averages of 3.75 to 4.00. To be eligible, a stud...
March, 12 2019 - Verified by Mary Baldwin University
Kyle Mason of Richmond Named to Mary Baldwin University's Honors List
Kyle Mason of Richmond was named to the Fall 2017 Honors List at Mary Baldwin University. Students named to the Honors List earned grade point averages of 3.75 to 4.00. To be eligible, a student m...
April, 26 2018 - Verified by Mary Baldwin University