Jasmine Rivera
Jasmine Rivera graduated from Western New England University with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. The graduate ceremony was held on Sunday, May 21, with nearly 400 students receiving masters, law, an...
June, 26 2017 - Verified by Western New England UniversityJasmine Rivera has been named to the Dean's List at Western New England University for the Spring semester of 2016. Rivera is working toward a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. Students are named to the D...
June, 20 2016 - Verified by Western New England UniversityThe Western New England University College of Pharmacy formally welcomed Jasmine Rivera of Springfield, MA, into the profession during a White Coat Ceremony held on August 26. Rivera is one of...
September, 09 2013 - Verified by Western New England UniversityJasmine C. Rivera of Springfield, MA, has been named to the Dean's List at Western New England for the fall semester of 2012. Rivera is a Junior majoring in General Biology. Students are named t...
January, 18 2013 - Verified by Western New England UniversityJasmine C. Rivera of Springfield, MA, has been named to the Dean's List at Western New England for the spring semester of 2012. Rivera is a Junior majoring in Exploratory. Students are named to ...
June, 06 2012 - Verified by Western New England UniversityJasmine C. Rivera of Springfield, MA, has been named to the Dean's List at Western New England for the fall semester of 2011. Rivera is a Sophomore majoring in Communication. Students are named ...
January, 23 2012 - Verified by Western New England University