Jason Sherwood, a resident of Guilderland, graduated from Ithaca College's School of Business with a major in Business Administration. The degree was awarded in May 2013. From day one, Ithaca Coll...
July, 19 2013 - Ithaca CollegeJason Sherwood, a resident of Guilderland and a senior Business Administration major, was named to the Dean's List in Ithaca College's School of Business for the fall 2012 semester. From day on...
February, 06 2013 - Ithaca CollegeJason Sherwood, a resident of Guilderland and a Business Administration major in the class of 2013, was named to the Dean's List in Ithaca College's School of Business for the spring 2012 semes...
June, 22 2012 - Ithaca CollegeJason Sherwood, son of Richard and Carol Sherwood of Guilderland, a junior Business Administration major, was named to the Dean's List at Ithaca College's School of Business for the fall 2011 se...
February, 09 2012 - Ithaca College