John Elder, PhD
From Valdosta, GA

During this time period, I earned the following awards and recognitions:
* 2015 Affordable Learning Textbook Transformation Grant in the category of Transformations-At- Scale. Reese, J. Elder, J. F., Cantonwine, E, Blackmore, M., Chambers, E. Georgia USG / ALG grant 2 Round 2 Funded Fall 2015 $28,000.00.
* 2015 Affordable Learning Textbook Transformation Grant in the category of Transformations-At- Scale. Reese, J., Elder, J. F., Cantonwine, E., Blackmore, M., Chambers, E. Georgia USG / ALG grant 1Round 1 Funded Spring 2015 $30,000.00
* 2011 Molecular Evolution of Behaviorally Important Genes in the Hermaphroditic Fish Kryptolebias marmoratus. VSU Faculty Seed Grant. Funded October 2011 $5,000.00.
* 2009 Acquisition of infrared Automated DNA sequencer/ genotyper for teaching and research genomics. LiCOR Genomic Education Matching Funds (GEMF) Program. Lincoln, NE. Funded October 2009 $110,538.80.
* 2007-09 Valdosta State University Faculty Senator
* 2007 VSU Center for Applied Research (CAR) Fund. Conservation Genetics of Two Bass Species (Genus Micropterus) That Exist in Geographically Disjunct Populations. Funded $1,000
* 2006 VSU Faculty Research Grant. Evolution of the MHC I Gene Family in the Worlds Only Known Selfing Hermaphroditic Vertebrate Kryptolebias marmoratus. John Elder. Funded $1,000
* 2006 VSU Center for Applied Research. The Role of Habitat and Gender in the Determination of Genetically Diverse Populations of the Mangrove Killifish. David Bechler and John Elder. Funded $1,500
* 2006 The role of habitat and gender in the determination of genetically diverse populations of the Mangrove Killifish. Florida Nongame Wildlife Grants Program. Submitted November 2006 $17,525.
* 2006 Verification of a putative hybrid between the federally endangered Georgia endemic Baptisia arachnifera and the native Baptisia lecontei at the Lake Louise Field Station, Lowndes County, GA. John B. Pascarella, Richard Carter, John Elder, and Russ Goddard. Georgia DNR. Funded June 2006 $1,500.
* 2005 Louis Brown Visiting Scholar Program: Valdosta State University. Application to support Dr. Joanne Kent to teach systematics and to develop genetic assays for collapsed Georgia Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidisssimus) fishery populations. International Programs, Valdosta State University. Funded June 2005 $36,0000
* 2004 Inducted into Golden Key International Honor Society as an honorary member
* 2004 Inducted into Tri-Beta National Biology Honor Society as an honorary member
* 2003 National Science Foundation: Nanotechnology across the undergraduate curriculum. Collaborative proposal submitted with: T. Manning (Directing P.I.), C. Barnbaum, L. Chamberlin, J. Nienow. Funded: June 2003 $100,000
* 2002 Nominated and selected for inclusion in "Who's Who Among American Teachers"
* 2001 Development of microsatellite probes for the analysis of population structure in darter species of southeastern rivers. Collaborative grant with Dr. Tom Laughlin, Radford University VA. Funded: March, 2001 $900.00
* 2001 Participating Member, Quality in Undergraduate Education (QUE) organization
* 2000 Dispersion and ecological interactions of clonal and sexual fish in a successional landscape. NSF/REU grant in collaboration with IJ Schlosser, University of North Dakota. Funded February 4, 2000 $150,000
* 1999 Conservation Biology for the Restoration of Jacquemontia reclinata. Collaborative Proposal submitted with Dr. John Pascarella (VSU). Submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Funded: September, 1999 $30,000
* 1999 Nominated for the National Science Foundation / Alan T. Watermann Award for Young Investigators by the Department of Biology, Valdosta State University
* 1998-99 Population Genetic Analysis of Three Potentially Endangered Species of Cyprinid Minnows From Isle Royale National Wilderness Area.. Faculty research fund, Valdosta State University. September, 1998 - July 1, 1999 $1,000
* 1998 Development of Genetic Analyses for Amphipod Populations Under Selection by Heavy Metal Pollution in the Spencer Gulf, South Australia. John F. Elder and Joseph R. Bidwell. Collaborative developmental proposal for travel and research, University of South Australia, Adelaide, AU. Funded: October 1998 $2,000 AU.
* 1998-present Advising member - Alpha Delta Epsilon Premedical Honor Society
* 1997 Development of Molecular Genetics Facility. Equipment proposal University System of Georgia: Teaching and Learning Grants, Submitted: November, 1997 - Funded: December 8, 1997 $20,000
* 1997 Genetic Distinctiveness of the Endangered Mojave Desert Pupfish, Cyprinodon nevedensis armagosae. Faculty research fund, Valdosta State University. January 16, 1997 - July 1, 1997 $1,000
* 1997 Nominated and accepted as VSU Faculty 21 member/representative to the National Science Foundation Project Kaleidoscope Program..
* 1997 Selected for inclusion in 1997 edition of Whos who in Science and Engineering
During this time period, I earned the following awards and recognitions:
* Population Differentiation of Isle Royale Cyprinid Minnows Assessed Using Microsatellite Loci. U. S. Park Service, John F. Elder, Jr & Isaac J. Schlosser. September 1995 to August 1996 $45,000