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JuliAnna Schaeffer

Majored in Range Management With Livestock Option
Chadron State College, Class of 2015
From Thedford, Neb.
I was raised in the sandhills of Nebraska.  My family owns a beef cattle ranch with black angus cattle.  I was stationed at Fort Hood, TX while I was in the Army active duty for 5 years after high school. After being discharged from the military I came back home and decided to continue my education at CSC.
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JuliAnna Schaeffer receives award at Ivy Day

JuliAnna Schaeffer of Thedford, NE, is one of many graduating students who will be honored during the traditional Ivy Day ceremony. Graduating Students who have distinguished themselves through aca...

May, 06 2016 - Chadron State College
JuliAnna Schaeffer named to CSC dean's list

JuliAnna Schaeffer of Thedford, NE, was one 387 named to the Chadron State College dean's list for fall 2015. The dean's list requires a 3.5 cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 scale. Students...

December, 23 2015 - Chadron State College
Chadron State College conferred 145 undergraduate degrees during winter commencement in the Chicoine Center

JuliAnna Schaeffer of Thedford, NE, earned a Bachelor of Science during Chadron State College's winter commencement on Dec. 18. One hundred and forty-five students will officially become graduates...

December, 17 2015 - Chadron State College
JuliAnna Schaeffer named to CSC dean's list

JuliAnna Schaeffer of Thedford, Neb., was one among 359 named to the Chadron State College dean's list for the spring semester of 2015. The dean's list, which requires a 3.5 cumulative grade-point...

May, 18 2015 - Chadron State College
JuliAnna Schaeffer named to CSC dean's list

JuliAnna Schaeffer of Thedford, Neb., was one among 383 named to the Chadron State College dean's list for the fall semester of 2014. The dean's list, which requires a 3.5 cumulative grade-point a...

January, 08 2015 - Chadron State College
JuliAnna Schaeffer named to CSC president's list

JuliAnna Schaeffer of Thedford, Neb. qualified for the spring 2014 president's list at Chadron State College. The president's list requires a grade-point average of 4.0 on a scale of 4.0. Students...

May, 19 2014 - Chadron State College
JuliAnna Schaeffer named to CSC president's list

JuliAnna Schaeffer of Thedford, Neb. qualified for the fall 2013 President's List at Chadron State College.The President's List, which requires a grade-point average of 4.0 on a scale of 4.0. Stu...

January, 08 2014 - Chadron State College
Range Management Specialist Intern at Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
May 2015 - August 2015
Natural Resources Intern at Natural Resources District (NRD)
Assisted in planting trees for windbreaks and conservation practices, as well as, planning windbreak layout. Conducted water sampling in streams, rivers, and other bodies of water weekly to test for bacteria and other impurities. Inspected pivots for proper equipment perfomance for chemigation permits.
May 2014 - August 2014
Work Study Intern at CSC Veterans Affairs Office
August 2013 - Present
Radio Operator/ Maintainer at U.S. Army
October 2006 - May 2012
Ranch Hand at Schaeffer Farms
May 2002 - May 2006

President's List 2 Dean's List 3 Graduation Academic Award

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