JuliAnna Schaeffer
Chadron State College, Class of 2015
From Thedford, Neb.

JuliAnna Schaeffer of Thedford, NE, is one of many graduating students who will be honored during the traditional Ivy Day ceremony. Graduating Students who have distinguished themselves through aca...
May, 06 2016 - Chadron State CollegeJuliAnna Schaeffer of Thedford, NE, was one 387 named to the Chadron State College dean's list for fall 2015. The dean's list requires a 3.5 cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 scale. Students...
December, 23 2015 - Chadron State CollegeJuliAnna Schaeffer of Thedford, NE, earned a Bachelor of Science during Chadron State College's winter commencement on Dec. 18. One hundred and forty-five students will officially become graduates...
December, 17 2015 - Chadron State CollegeJuliAnna Schaeffer of Thedford, Neb., was one among 359 named to the Chadron State College dean's list for the spring semester of 2015. The dean's list, which requires a 3.5 cumulative grade-point...
May, 18 2015 - Chadron State CollegeJuliAnna Schaeffer of Thedford, Neb., was one among 383 named to the Chadron State College dean's list for the fall semester of 2014. The dean's list, which requires a 3.5 cumulative grade-point a...
January, 08 2015 - Chadron State CollegeJuliAnna Schaeffer of Thedford, Neb. qualified for the spring 2014 president's list at Chadron State College. The president's list requires a grade-point average of 4.0 on a scale of 4.0. Students...
May, 19 2014 - Chadron State CollegeJuliAnna Schaeffer of Thedford, Neb. qualified for the fall 2013 President's List at Chadron State College.The President's List, which requires a grade-point average of 4.0 on a scale of 4.0. Stu...
January, 08 2014 - Chadron State College