Justin Krupa
I enjoy simple questions about complex topics. I also appreciate complex questions about simple topics. Okay, I like a lot of other things on the side too. To put it best, I am a person who likes the journey without a destination, or the question without an answer.

Justin Krupa recently graduated from Wittenberg University with a major in PHYS. Interim University President Dick Helton led the Commencement celebration, congratulating the 430 members of the Cla...
June, 07 2017 - Wittenberg UniversityReflecting Wittenberg's commitment to academic excellence and the power of collaborative research, two physics students, including Justin Krupa, presented research at the annual meeting of the Amer...
February, 05 2015 - Wittenberg UniversityJustin Krupa was inducted as one of 33 new members of Phi Eta Sigma, a national honor society that seeks to recognize and to encourage scholarship among first-year college men. Selection is based e...
April, 14 2014 - Wittenberg UniversityFive members of the Wittenberg University Symphonic Band performed with the 26th annual Ohio Private College Instrumental Conductors Association (OPCICA) Honors Concert Band on Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014...
February, 07 2014 - Wittenberg UniversityJustin Krupa, class of 2017 from New Wilmington, PA, was named to the Dean's List for the fall 2013 semester at Wittenberg University. To qualify, Justin maintained a 3.5 grade point average or hi...
February, 04 2014 - Wittenberg University