Kaitlin Marshall
Youngstown State University, Class of 2022
From Cortland, Ohio
Kaitlin Marshall of Lakeland was one of more than 775 students awarded undergraduate and advanced degrees and certificates at Youngstown State University's Fall Commencement. Marshall earned a Mas...
February, 02 2023 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKaitlin Marshall of Cortland, OH, has been named to Dean's List at Youngstown State University for Fall Semester 2018. Marshall is majoring in Early Childhood Education at YSU. Dean's List recogni...
February, 05 2019 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKaitlin Marshall, Early Childhood Education major from Cortland, has been named to the President's List for achieving a perfect 4.0 grade point average in the Fall Semester 2018. To be eligible fo...
February, 05 2019 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKaitlin Marshall of Cortland, was one of nearly 600 students awarded undergraduate and advanced degrees and certificates at Youngstown State University's Fall Commencement. Marshall earned a Bache...
February, 04 2019 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityYSU reconizes its students' academic success with recently released President's List and Dean's List. Kaitlin Marshall, an Early Childhood Education major from Cortland, Ohio was named to the Pres...
June, 15 2018 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityYSU reconizes student academic success with the President's List. Kaitlin Marshall, an Early Childhood Education major from Cortland, Ohio, was named to the President's List for the Spring 2018 se...
June, 15 2018 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKaitlin Marshall of Cortland, OH (44410), in Trumbull County, is among top students named to the President's List at Youngstown State Univarsity for Fall Semester 2017. Marshall is studying Early ...
January, 19 2018 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKaitlin Marshall of Cortland, OH has been named to Youngstown State University's Dean's List for Fall 2017 Marshall is studying Early Childhood Education at YSU. Dean's List recognition is awarde...
January, 19 2018 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKaitlin Marshall of Cortland, Ohio (44410), has been named to the President's List for Spring Semester 2017 at Youngstown State University. Marshall is a Early Childhood and Special Education major...
June, 09 2017 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKaitlin Marshall of Cortland, OH (44410), has been named to the Dean's List for the Spring Semester 2017 at Youngstown State University. Marshall is a Early Childhood Education major. The Dean's L...
June, 07 2017 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKaitlin Marshall of Cortland, OH (44410) was named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for the Fall Semester 2016. Marshall is a YSU Early Childhood Education major.
January, 17 2017 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKaitlin Marshall of Cortland, OH, has made the Dean's List for the Spring 2016 semester at Youngstown State University as one of the university's high achieving students. Marshall is in the Early ...
June, 08 2016 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKaitlin Marshall of Cortland, Ohio, has been named to the President's List at Youngstown State University for the Fall 2015 semester. Kaitlin is majoring in Early Childhood Education at YSU. To b...
January, 13 2016 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKaitlin Marshall of Cortland, Ohio, has been named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for the Fall 2015 Semester. Marshall is majoring in Early Childhood Education. To be eligible f...
January, 13 2016 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKaitlin Marshall of Cortland, Ohio, a Sophomore at Youngstown State University, has been inducted into Sigma Alpha Lambda. Kaitlin, who is majoring in Early Childhood Education at YSU, was inducted...
November, 06 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKaitlin Marshall of Cortland, Ohio, has been named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for Spring Semester 2015. Marshall is majoring in Early Childhood Education at YSU. To be eligi...
June, 10 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKaitlin Marshall of Cortland, Ohio, has been named to the Dean's List at Youngstown State University for the Fall 2014 Semester. Marshall is majoring in Early Childhood Education at YSU. To be eli...
January, 15 2015 - Verified by Youngstown State UniversityKaitlin Marshall of Cortland, Ohio, has received the First Opportunity Award through the Scholarship for Excellence program at Youngstown State University. Marshall is majoring in Early Childhood ...
September, 09 2014 - Verified by Youngstown State University