Kaylee Brown
From 5806 Auburn Drive, Colorado

Kaylee Brown, of Fort Collins, Colo., was among 258 Concordia University, Nebraska students to receive honors for the spring 2019 semester. The top 25 percent of all undergraduate students who com...
June, 05 2019 - Verified by Concordia University, NebraskaConcordia University, Nebraska announced Kaylee Brown of Fort Collins, Colo., as one of the May 2019 undergraduates who graduated with distinction or high distinction honors based on their academic...
May, 28 2019 - Verified by Concordia University, NebraskaKaylee Brown of Fort Collins, Colo., was among more than 300 students to graduate with May degrees from Concordia University, Nebraska. Graduates receiving a degree in August 2018 or December 2018...
May, 06 2019 - Verified by Concordia University, NebraskaKaylee Brown of Fort Collins, CO, was one of 278 students named to Concordia University, Nebraska's honors list for the fall 2018 semester. The top 25 percent of all undergraduate students who com...
January, 22 2019 - Verified by Concordia University, NebraskaKaylee Brown of 5806 Auburn Drive, Colorado was among 248 Concordia University, Nebraska students to receive honors for the spring 2018 semester. The top 25 percent of all undergraduate students ...
June, 08 2018 - Verified by Concordia University, NebraskaSix members of the Concordia University women's soccer program spent their spring break serving in Las Vegas with Urban Plunge, doing mission work along the Vegas strip, interacting with homeless c...
April, 13 2018 - Verified by Concordia University, NebraskaSix members of the Concordia University women's soccer program spent their spring break in Las Vegas with Urban Plunge doing mission work along the Vegas strip, interacting with homeless communities in the area and organizing meals and clothing donatio...
April, 13 2018 - Verified by Concordia University, NebraskaKaylee Brown of Fort Collins, Colo., was one of 271 students named to Concordia University, Nebraska's honors list for the fall 2017 semester. The top 25 percent of all undergraduate students who ...
January, 19 2018 - Verified by Concordia University, NebraskaKaylee Brown of Fort Collins, Colo., was one of 241 students named to Concordia University, Nebraska's honors list for the spring 2017 semester. The top 25 percent of all undergraduate students wh...
May, 25 2017 - Verified by Concordia University, NebraskaKaylee Brown was one of 278 students named to Concordia University, Nebraska's honor list for the fall 2016 semester. The top 25 percent of undergraduate students who complete at least 12 credit h...
January, 12 2017 - Verified by Concordia University, NebraskaConcordia University, Nebraska named 260 students to its honors list for the fall 2015 semester. The list of students includes: Kaylee Brown, a freshman from Fort Collins, Colo. The top 25 perce...
January, 19 2016 - Verified by Concordia University, Nebraska