Keagan Desjardins Named to Russell Sage College's Fall 2023 Dean's List
Keagan Desjardins of Mohawk was named to Russell Sage College's fall 2023 Dean's List. Desjardins was among more than 400 students named to the list. "On behalf of the Russell Sage College communit...
January, 24 2024 - Verified by Russell Sage College
Keagan Desjardins Named to Russell Sage College's Spring 2023 Dean's List
Keagan Desjardins, of Mohawk, was named to Russell Sage College's spring 2023 Dean's List. Desjardins was among more than 400 students named to the list. To be placed on the Dean's List for the s...
June, 16 2023 - Verified by Russell Sage College
Keagan DesJardins Inducted into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Keagan DesJardins of Mohawk, New York, was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. DesJardins wa...
May, 17 2022 - Verified by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Democracy Matters
Currently serving as Vice President of our colleges local Democracy Matters Chapter, to help provide fellow peers with the knowledge and resources on voting and why it matters at many levels
Russell Sage College
Added by Keagan