Kimberly A. Stossel of East Stroudsburg was among The University of Scranton outstanding master's and doctoral degree graduates recognized at its graduate commencement events the weekend of May 19-...
July, 18 2023 - Verified by The University of ScrantonKimberly A. Stossel of East Stroudsburg was among the more than 500 graduates who earned master's and doctoral degrees at The University of Scranton. Degrees were presented at its graduate commence...
May, 22 2023 - Verified by The University of ScrantonKimberly A. Stossel of East Stroudsburg was among the 62 members of The University of Scranton's undergraduate class of 2022 honored for academic excellence, service or both at a Class Night ceremo...
June, 22 2022 - Verified by The University of ScrantonKimberly A. Stossel of East Stroudsburg was among than 1,700 students named to The University of Scranton's Dean's List for the 2022 spring semester. The Dean's List recognizes students for academi...
June, 17 2022 - Verified by The University of ScrantonKimberly A. Stossel of East Stroudsburg was among more than 850 bachelor's degrees conferred at its undergraduate commencement ceremony on May 21 at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza, Wilkes-Bar...
May, 26 2022 - Verified by The University of ScrantonKimberly Stossel of East Stroudsburg was among the 48 University of Scranton students inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma, the business honor society. To be considered for induction, students must rank ...
April, 29 2022 - Verified by The University of ScrantonKimberly A. Stossel of East Stroudsburg was among more than 1,650 students named to The University of Scranton's Dean's List for the 2021 fall semester. The Dean's List recognizes students for acad...
January, 25 2022 - Verified by The University of ScrantonKimberly A. Stossel of East Stroudsburg was among more than 1,875 students named to The University of Scranton's Dean's List for the 2021 spring semester. The Dean's List recognizes students for ac...
June, 28 2021 - Verified by The University of ScrantonKimberly Stossel of East Stroudsburg was among the 20 University of Scranton students inducted into Mu Kappa Tau, the national honor society for marketing. The national honor society was founded in...
May, 05 2021 - Verified by The University of ScrantonKimberly A. Stossel of East Stroudsburg was among more than 1,800 students named to The University of Scranton's Dean's List for the 2020 fall semester. The Dean's List recognizes students for acad...
January, 14 2021 - Verified by The University of ScrantonKimberly A. Stossel of East Stroudsburg was among more than 2,000 students who were named to The University of Scranton's Dean's List for the 2020 spring semester. The Dean's List recognizes studen...
June, 24 2020 - Verified by The University of ScrantonKimberly A. Stossel of East Stroudsburg was among more than 1,600 students named to The University of Scranton's Dean's List for the 2019 fall semester. The Dean's List recognizes students for acad...
January, 28 2020 - Verified by The University of Scranton