Krista Millington

The State University of New York at Potsdam recently named Krista Millington of Chestertown, NY to the SUNY Potsdam Dean's List. Millington, whose major is Community Health , was among 367 student...
June, 09 2015 - Verified by SUNY PotsdamKrista Millington of Chestertown, NY was recently named to the President's List at The State University of New York at Potsdam. Millington, whose major is Community Health , was among 925 SUNY Pot...
January, 05 2015 - Verified by SUNY PotsdamThe State University of New York at Potsdam has awarded scholarships, grants and awards to 998 students for the 2014-15 academic year. These accomplished SUNY Potsdam undergraduate and graduate stu...
October, 21 2014 - Verified by SUNY PotsdamThe State University of New York at Potsdam recently named Krista Millington of Chestertown, NY to the SUNY Potsdam Dean's List. Millington, whose major is Psychology , was among 355 students who ...
June, 05 2014 - Verified by SUNY PotsdamThe State University of New York at Potsdam recently named Krista Millington of Chestertown, NY to the SUNY Potsdam Dean's List. Millington, whose major is Psychology , was among 412 students who ...
January, 14 2014 - Verified by SUNY PotsdamThe State University of New York at Potsdam has awarded scholarships, grants and awards to 1,047 students for the 2013-14 academic year. These accomplished SUNY Potsdam undergraduate and graduate s...
October, 11 2013 - Verified by SUNY Potsdam