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Laura Mayorga Mejia

Majoring in French And Health Communication
Manchester University, Class of 2022
From Managua
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Laura Mayorga Mejia named to Dean's List at Manchester University

At the end of each semester, the Office of Academic Affairs publishes the Dean's List. Laura Mayorga Mejia of Managua (00000) was named to the Manchester University Spring 2022 Dean's List. Mayor...

August, 08 2022 - Verified by Manchester University
Managua's Laura Mayorga Mejia is a leader at Manchester

Laura Mayorga Mejia is an executive board officer for the Model United Nations at Manchester University for the 2021-22 academic year. Majoring in French and health communication, Mayorga Mejia is...

April, 28 2022 - Verified by Manchester University
Laura Mayorga Mejia on Manchester panel sharing experiences of students of color

A panel of alumni and current students of color spoke about their experiences at Manchester University. "Looking at Yesterday, Working Toward Tomorrow: Race at MU" allowed for frank comments and d...

March, 09 2022 - Verified by Manchester University
Panel at Manchester to explore experiences of students of color

A panel of alumni and current students will speak about their experiences at Manchester University on Monday, March 7. "Looking at Yesterday, Working Toward Tomorrow: Race at MU," is at 11 a.m. in Cordier Auditorium on the North Manchester, Indiana, c...

February, 23 2022 - Verified by Manchester University
Laura Mayorga Mejia named to Dean's List at Manchester University

At the end of each semester, the Office of Academic Affairs publishes the Dean's List. Laura Mayorga Mejia of Managua was named to the Manchester University Fall 2021 Dean's List. Mayorga Mejia w...

January, 24 2022 - Verified by Manchester University
Laura Mayorga Mejia named to Dean's List at Manchester University

At the end of each semester, the Office of Academic Affairs publishes the Dean's List. Laura Mayorga Mejia of Managua was named to the Manchester University undergraduate spring 2021 Dean's List. ...

June, 25 2021 - Verified by Manchester University
Laura Mayorga Mejia named to Dean's List at Manchester University

At the end of each semester, the Office of Academic Affairs publishes the Dean's List. Laura Mayorga Mejia of Managua was named to the Manchester University Fall 2020 Dean's List. Mayorga Mejia w...

March, 02 2021 - Verified by Manchester University
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