Laura Squires
University of Jamestown, Class of 2020
From Breezy Point, MN

Laura Squires of Breezy Point, MN (56472) has fulfilled the academic requirements to be named to University of Jamestown's Dean List for the Fall 2017 Semester.
January, 19 2018 - Verified by University of JamestownAt the annual University of Jamestown Honor's Convocation, held Thursday April 20, 2017, the UJ chapter of Alpha Chi inducted new members, including Laura Squires, of Breezy Point, MN (56472) for t...
April, 28 2017 - Verified by University of JamestownLaura Squires of Breezy Point, MN (56472) has fulfilled the academic requirements to be named to University of Jamestown's Dean List for the Fall 2016 Semester.
January, 09 2017 - Verified by University of JamestownAid an Admissions Counselor by contacting prospective students by email, phone call, and text message to help create a relationship between the student and our welcoming college atmosphere at the University of Jamestown.
Mondays (once a month) - look after children of those women who participate in the church's game night
Tuesdays (every Tuesday) - look after the children of those who participate in the "Coffee and Grace"
2015 Summer - Grandma's Treat Jar
Part-time barista/ice cream attendant/cashier. Operate competently in a fast-paced work environment and provide proficient customer service.
2016 Summer-To Present - Ganley's Restaurant
Part-time waitress. Learned to work efficiently to provide high quality service to customers.