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Lilia Harlan

Majored in Environmental Studies And Theatre
Hamilton College, Class of 2022
From Wills Point, TX
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Harlan Graduates from Hamilton

Lilia Harlan received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hamilton College on Sunday, May 22, in a Commencement ceremony concluding the college's 210th year. An environmental studies and theatre major...

June, 27 2022 - Verified by Hamilton College
Harlan Wins Award at 2022 Class & Charter Day

Lilia Harlan was named the recipient of The Senior Prize in Environmental Studies at Class & Charter Day, held on May 10. The Senior Prize in Environmental Studies is awarded to the outstandin...

May, 17 2022 - Verified by Hamilton College
Harlan Participates in 2022 Spring Theatre Production

Warning: vulgarity used in title. Lilia Harlan was a member of the creative team for the spring theatre production Fucking A, by playwright Suzan-Lori Parks. Described as "Suzan-Lori Parks...

May, 02 2022 - Verified by Hamilton College
Harlan Elected to Phi Beta Kappa

Lilia Harlan was recently elected to the Epsilon Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at Hamilton. Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest academic honorary society in the United States. The Hamilton chapter was establ...

February, 24 2022 - Verified by Hamilton College
Harlan Participates in Fall Theatre Production of 10 Out of 12

Lilia Harlan was the wardrobe supervisor for the Fall Theatre production of 10 Out of 12, by playwright Anne Washburn. The production was directed by Professor of Theatre Craig Latrell, who said ...

November, 15 2021 - Verified by Hamilton College
Wills Point resident, Hamilton College senior Lilia Harlan organizes college Sustainability Fair

Early this summer, Wills Point resident and Hamilton College senior Lilia Harlan began to strategize about how to connect students and faculty who are concerned about sustainability, climate change, and climate justice. The result was a Sustainability ...

September, 21 2021 - Verified by Hamilton College
Harlan Wins Award at 2021 Class & Charter Day

Lilia Harlan was named the recipient of The Karen Williams Theatre Prize at Class & Charter Day. The outdoor, socially-distanced ceremony was held on May 11. The Karen Williams Theatre Prize is aw...

May, 14 2021 - Verified by Hamilton College
Harlan Has Role in Spring Theatre Production of The Last Days of Judas Iscariot

Lilia Harlan was member of the costumes team, serving as a costume shop assistant for the Spring Theatre production of The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Stephen ...

April, 23 2021 - Verified by Hamilton College
Harlan Named to Fall 2020 Dean's List

Lilia Harlan has been named to the Dean's List for the 2020 fall semester. To be named to the Dean's List, a student must have carried throughout the semester a course load of four or more graded c...

January, 25 2021 - Verified by Hamilton College
Harlan Participates in Fall Main Stage Production

Lilia Harlan was a member of the wardrobe and run crew for the fall theatre production In War With Time, From the Sonnets of William Shakespeare. The partly live and partly recorded production was ...

November, 17 2020 - Verified by Hamilton College
Harlan Named to Fall 2019 Dean's List

Lilia Harlan has been named to the Dean's List for the 2019 fall semester. To be named to the Dean's List, a student must have carried throughout the semester a course load of four or more grad...

January, 21 2020 - Verified by Hamilton College
Harlan Named to Spring 2019 Dean's List

Lilia Harlan has been named to the Dean's List for the 2019 spring semester. To be named to the Dean's List, a student must have carried throughout the semester a course load of four or more grade...

June, 06 2019 - Verified by Hamilton College
Harlan Named to Fall 2018 Dean's List

Lilia Harlan has been named to the Dean's List for the 2018 fall semester. To be named to the Dean's List, a student must have carried throughout the semester a course load of four or more grad...

January, 07 2019 - Verified by Hamilton College
Harlan Matriculates into Hamilton College

Lilia Harlan recently matriculated as a first-year student at Hamilton College. Selected from a pool of 6,240 applicants to the college, Harlan joins a class of 482.

October, 04 2018 - Verified by Hamilton College
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