Lydia Lawson, a class of 2020 health & occupation major at Elizabethtown College, was named to the fall 2018 dean's list. Students on the dean's list are full-time undergraduate students who earn ...
February, 28 2019 - Elizabethtown CollegeElizabethtown (Pa.) College announced the names of students whose outstanding academic performances have earned them the recognition of being included on the spring 2018 dean's list. Lydia Lawson ...
May, 30 2018 - Elizabethtown CollegeLydia Lawson of Mountain Top, PA, a sophomore Health & Occupation major, was named to the dean's list at Elizabethtown College for the fall 2017 semester. Students on the dean's list are full-time...
February, 19 2018 - Elizabethtown CollegeLydia Lawson of Mountain Top, a sophomore Health & Occupation major, was named to the dean's list at Elizabethtown College for the spring semester. Students on the dean's list are full-time underg...
June, 12 2017 - Elizabethtown CollegeLydia Lawson of Mountain Top, Pennsylvania, a first-year Health & Occupation major, was named to the dean's list at Elizabethtown College for the fall semester. Students on the dean's list are ful...
January, 17 2017 - Elizabethtown CollegeLydia Lawson, of Mountain Top, PA, was named to the Elizabethtown College Honors Program. Since its establishment in 1999, the Elizabethtown College Honors Program has provided enhanced learning o...
August, 24 2016 - Elizabethtown College