Michael (Mike) Chatham, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Financial Services & Information Systems (AFIS) at Radford University
From Abilene, KS
From Abilene, KS
My office is Kyle Hall 280. During the Spring 2024 semester, my office hours are 1:00-3:00 on MWF...though I will typically be there after 3:00 P.M. My academic bio follows:
Michael (Mike) D. Chatham is an Associate Professor of Accounting in the Davis College of Business and Economics at Radford University. Mike has published in journals such as the Journal of International Business Research, Advances in Accounting, the Journal of Economics and Finance Education, the Business Education Innovation Journal, the International Journal of Global Business and Economics, the Review of Business Information Systems, and the Journal of Taxation of Investments. His primary teaching responsibilities include undergraduate courses in Financial Accounting, Taxation, and International Accounting, as well as the graduate MBA Accounting course. Dr. Chatham received his Ph.D. from Oklahoma State University in 2004. He received his MBA and B.S.B in Accounting from Emporia State University (KS).

Associate Professor of Accounting at Davis College of Business & Economics, Radford University
August 2004 - Present
Assistant Professor of Accounting at Daverio School of Accountancy, University of Akron
August 1998 - May 2004
Graduate Teaching Assistant at Oklahoma State University
August 1994 - May 1998
A Call for a More Balanced Assessment of the IRS's Performance
An Op-Ed piece for the Roanoke Times
September 2022 -
Resolving the Mark-to-Market Accounting Debate: Where Do We go from Here?
“Resolving the Mark-to-Market Accounting Debate: Where Do We go from Here?” with Jerry Kopf, Archives of Business Research, Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2020.
July 2020 -
Taxation as a Barrier to Blockchain Innovation
“Taxation as a Barrier to Blockchain Innovation” with Thomas Duncan. Accepted July 2020 at the Journal of Taxation of Investments.
July 2020 -
Trade Dress: Rising from the Ashes
“Trade Dress: Rising from the Ashes” with Dan Davidson. Southern Journal of Business and Ethics, Vol. 9, 2017: 57-66.
September 2017 -
Using Videoconferencing to Solve a Business Finance Problem: Challenges and Lessons Learned from a Transatlantic Experience
“Using Videoconferencing to Solve a Business Finance Problem: Challenges and Lessons Learned from a Transatlantic Experience” with Axel Grossman, Journal of Economics and Finance Education, Vol. 13(1): 14-27, Summer 2014.
July 2014 -
Assessing Student and Instructor Satisfaction with Using an Audience Response System in Introductory Business Courses
“Assessing Student and Instructor Satisfaction with Using an Audience Response System in Introductory Business Courses,” with Dan Davidson. Business Education Innovation Journal, Vol. 3(1): 43-49, June 2011.
June 2011 -
Bull and Bear Reverse Exchangeable Securities—An Option-Pricing Approach
“Bull and Bear Reverse Exchangeable Securities—An Option-Pricing Approach,” with Rodrigo J. Hernandez and Christopher Tobler. International Journal of Global Business and Economics 3(1), 2010: 131-135.
March 2010 -
A Guide to the Rules-Based Versus Principles-Based Accounting Debate
“A Guide to the Rules-Based Versus Principles-Based Accounting Debate,” with Rodrigo Hernandez. International Journal of Global Business and Economics 3(1), 2010: 126-130.
March 2010 -
Issues Affecting the Development of an International Accounting Standard on Financial Instruments
“Issues Affecting the Development of an International Accounting Standard on Financial Instruments,” with Robert K. Larson and Axel Vietze. Advances in Accounting Incorporating Advances in International Accounting, Vol. 26(1), 2010: 97-107.
January 2010 -
Kelo Revisited: Can It Provide Unexpected Employment and Economic Opportunities?
“Kelo Revisited: Can It Provide Unexpected Employment and Economic Opportunities?” with Dan Davidson. Mustang Journal of Law and Legal Studies, Vol. 1, 2010: 9-18.
January 2010 -
Assessing the Extent of Compliance with International Accounting Standards
“Assessing the Extent of Compliance with International Accounting Standards,” published in Journal of International Business Research, Vol. 7(1), 2008: 61-90.
July 2008 -
The LaRue Case: Implications for Defined Contribution Plans under ERISA
“The LaRue Case: Implications for Defined Contribution Plans under ERISA,” with Dan Davidson, published in Business Quest (B>Quest), April 2008 at: http://www.westga.edu/~bquest/2008/research08.htm
April 2008 -
An Examination of the Current State of Accounting Information Systems Education
“An Examination of the Current State of Accounting Information Systems Education,” with Thomas
G. Calderon and John Cheh, Review of Business Information Systems, Vol. 6(2), Spring 2002: 29-42.
May 2002 -
Michael (Mike) Chatham, Ph.D. was recognized for earning an academic award
Davis College of Business & Economics Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year 2018-2019
Added by Michael (Mike)