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Miles Rose

Majored in Music And Theatre
Monmouth College, Class of 2019
From Princeton, IL
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Monmouth College
Princeton High School

Monmouth College graduates its Class of 2019

Monmouth College held its 162nd annual commencement exercises on May 12 in the Huff Athletic Center. A total of 185 students walked across the platform to receive their diploma from President Clare...

June, 06 2019 - Verified by Monmouth College
Four senior theatre majors to take final bows on Monmouth College stage in 'Oliver!'

When the four senior theatre majors who are appearing this week in Monmouth College's production of Oliver! gathered recently, Amanda Grissom likely spoke for most of them when she said she came to campus as a "terrified" freshman. The seniors are a...

April, 08 2019 - Verified by Monmouth College
Rose is a member of the Monmouth College Chorale

Miles Rose, from Princeton, who is majoring in music and theatre, was part of the Monmouth College Chorale's annual spring break tour, which this year included major cities in Texas. The Chorale wi...

March, 14 2019 - Verified by Monmouth College
Rose will be involved in the production of Oliver

Miles Rose, from Princeton, who is majoring in music and theatre, is part of Monmouth College's production of "Oliver!" which will be staged April 11-14. The Lionel Bart musical will be directed an...

March, 14 2019 - Verified by Monmouth College
Upcoming events at Monmouth College, Nov. 15-18

Monmouth College students are directing Nov. 15-18 production of 'Almost, Maine' "One of the toughest things there is to deal with in life: love." The introductory notes to playwright John Cariani's Almost, Maine reminds us that love is diff...

November, 09 2018 - Verified by Monmouth College
Rose involved in play at Monmouth College

Miles Rose of Princeton, IL is practipating in the Monmouth College production of "Almost, Maine," which will be staged Nov. 15-18. Rose will direct two scenes.

November, 02 2018 - Verified by Monmouth College
Monmouth College to stage encore performance of 'The Pitchfork Disney,' Oct. 30-31

The Monmouth College Department of Theatre has the perfect production to celebrate the Halloween season - an encore production of Philip Ridley's dystopian and unsettling The Pitchfork Disney. The "in your face" British play will be staged Oct. 30-3...

October, 23 2018 - Verified by Monmouth College
Monmouth College to stage 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' Oct. 25-28 at Fusion Theatre

Monmouth College's upcoming production of a strange and delightful Shakespeare comedy is "a guaranteed good time," according to its director. Visiting Assistant Professor of Theatre Todd Quick will direct A Midsummer Night's Dream Oct. 25-28 at the ...

October, 16 2018 - Verified by Monmouth College
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