Miles Kaufman

Miles Kaufman of Cumberland, R.I. , was named to the Dean's List at Bates College for the winter semester ending in April 2024. This is a distinction earned by students whose grade point average is...
June, 26 2024 - Verified by Bates CollegeMiles Kaufman of Cumberland, R.I., was named to the dean's list at Bates College for the winter semester ending in May 2023. This is a distinction earned by students whose grade point average is 3....
June, 04 2024 - Verified by Bates CollegeMiles Kaufman of Cumberland, R.I., was named to the dean's list at Bates College for the fall/winter semester ending in December 2023. This is a distinction earned by students whose grade point ave...
March, 18 2024 - Verified by Bates CollegeMiles Kaufman of Cumberland, R.I., was named to the dean's list at Bates College for the fall semester ending in December 2022. This is a distinction earned by students whose grade point average is...
March, 16 2023 - Verified by Bates CollegeWrote policy, conducted research, led team efforts, organized goals for policymaking.
Research, document location, service, and guard duties.