Miranda Pittman
HI, My name is Miranda and I am currently working towards my bachelor's in Education. I have been married for 14 years, I have 4 beautiful children two girls, two boys 20,18,13,10. I waited to peruse my education until my children were older. I enjoyed being a stay at home mom. I currently teach at an elementary school in a small town in Georgia. I teach STEM to pre-k and Kindergarten students, I have roughly 500 students. I love being outdoors exploring and on the beach. I am excited to finish my degree and to see where this road leads me. God is good in all things.

Miranda Pittman named to Dean's List at UNG for spring 2024
Miranda Pittman of Toccoa, GA, made the spring 2024 Dean's List at the University of North Georgia (UNG) for achieving at least a 3.5 grade-point average, carrying 12 or more credit hours in one se...
May, 09 2024 - Verified by University of North Georgia
Teacher at Stephens County School System Board of Education
Teach STEM to pre-k and Kindergarten students
August 2018 - Present