Nicole Lutz Named to the Fall 2016 Dean's List!
Nicole Lutz, a Senior studying Accounting within the College of Business Administration, was named to the Fall 2016 Dean's List. Lutz is among more than 8700 undergraduate students who have earned...
February, 06 2017 - Kent State University
Nicole Lutz Named to the Summer 2016 Dean's List!
Nicole Lutz, a Senior studying Accounting within the College of Business Administration, was named to the Summer 2016 Dean's List. Lutz is among nearly 370 undergraduate students who have earned a...
December, 02 2016 - Kent State University
Nicole Lutz Named to the Fall 2015 Dean's List!
Nicole Lutz, a Senior at Kent State University, was named to the Fall 2015 Dean's List. Lutz is among nearly 8300 undergraduate students who have earned and received this recent academic recogniti...
January, 22 2016 - Kent State University