Pamela Khar Enanga, of , , was named to the University of South Carolina Aiken Dean's List for Fall 2019. To earn this distinction, Khar Enanga had to be enrolled as a full-time student and mainta...
February, 03 2020 - USC AikenThe University of South Carolina Aiken congratulates those students, including Pamela Khar Enanga, from Augusta, Ga., (30909) who finished their degree programs in December. Khar Enanga earned ...
February, 03 2020 - USC AikenThe University of South Carolina Aiken School of Nursing celebrated its December graduates, including Pamela Khar Enanga, from Augusta, GA, during the annual pre-commencement pinning ceremony. Jus...
January, 06 2020 - USC AikenThe University of South Carolina Aiken School of Nursing celebrated its December graduates during the annual pre-commencement pinning ceremony. Just hours before graduation, the nursing students gathered to light the lamp honoring Florence Nigh...
December, 30 2019 - USC Aiken