Rebecca Mathes

University of Evansville
Corydon Central High School
Rebecca Mathes of Corydon, IN, has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Spring Semester 2016. Mathes is majoring in Music Therapy. To m...
May, 17 2016 - Verified by University of EvansvilleRebecca Mathes of Corydon, (IN) has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Spring Semester 2015. Mathes is majoring in Music Therapy. To ...
June, 01 2015 - Verified by University of EvansvilleRebecca Mathes of Corydon, IN has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Fall Semester 2014. Mathes is majoring in Music Therapy. To make...
January, 22 2015 - Verified by University of EvansvilleRebecca Mathes of Corydon, IN, has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Fall Semester 2013. Mathes is majoring in Music Therapy. To mak...
January, 06 2014 - Verified by University of EvansvilleThe University of Evansville is proud to announce that Rebecca Mathes of Corydon, IN, was selected to perform at the Department of Music's 34th annual Holiday Pops concert. Mathes is majoring in Mu...
December, 20 2013 - Verified by University of EvansvilleRebecca Mathes of Corydon, IN, has become a new member of Phi Mu at the University of Evansville. Mathes, who is majoring in Music Therapy, joined Phi Mu after a weeklong recruitment process that ...
September, 26 2013 - Verified by University of EvansvilleThe University of Evansville is proud to announce that Rebecca Mathes of Corydon, IN, was selected to perform with the University's Wind Ensemble at the Indiana Music Educators' Association annual ...
January, 15 2013 - Verified by University of EvansvilleRebecca Mathes of Corydon, IN, has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean's List for academic achievements during the Fall Semester 2012. Mathes is majoring in Music Therapy. To mak...
January, 03 2013 - Verified by University of EvansvilleThe University of Evansville is proud to announce that Rebecca Mathes will perform at the Department of Music's 33rd annual Holiday Pops concert. Mathes, a resident of Corydon, is majoring in Musi...
December, 03 2012 - Verified by University of EvansvilleRebecca Mathes of Corydon, IN, has enrolled at the University of Evansville. Mathes, majoring in Music Therapy, joins an entering class defined by its strong academic ability and diversity. Member...
September, 04 2012 - Verified by University of EvansvilleThe University of Evansville is proud to announce that Rebecca Mathes of Corydon, IN, participated in the Freshman Service Project on Monday, August 20. The project sent new UE students to 20 locat...
August, 23 2012 - Verified by University of Evansville