Ryan Hardy

Ryan Hardy, of Campton, NH, was one of 24 students that participated in the Thirteenth Annual Elmira College Student Research Conference. The event, held May 24 in Cowles Hall, showcas...
June, 30 2023 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy of Campton, NH, was among the 2023 Elmira College graduates recognized with multiple honors and prizes, including summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude honors, and induction in...
June, 20 2023 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy, of Campton, NH, was among the graduates celebrated at the 165th Elmira College Commencement on Sunday, June 4. The exercises included 172 undergraduate and 30 graduate students. Hardy ...
June, 20 2023 - Verified by Elmira CollegeCongratulations, Ryan! You have been named to the Elmira College Dean's List for the Winter 2023 Term. Full-time undergraduate students registered for at least 12 computable credit hours and earnin...
April, 21 2023 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy, of Campton, NH, was one of several students recently recognized by the Pi of New York chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at Elmira College. The Pi of New York chapter held its annual induction ...
March, 13 2023 - Verified by Elmira CollegeCongratulations, Ryan! You have been named to the Elmira College Dean's List for the Fall 2022 Term. Full-time undergraduate students registered for at least 12 computable credit hours and earning ...
December, 13 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy, majoring in Biochemistry, is among the new and returning students enrolled at Elmira College for Fall 2022. We are so pleased to have Ryan and all Elmira College students.
October, 27 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy, of Campton, NH was among those recognized by the Elmira College Department of Athletics for the achievements made by its student-athletes and staff members throughout the 2021-2022 acad...
June, 09 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeThe Mildred Whittlesey McGraw Attainment Award recognizes an Elmira College junior who has made the greatest contribution in academic achievement, general activities, and citizenship, and who has d...
June, 07 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeThe Twelfth Annual Student Research Conference, held May 25 in Cowles Hall, showcased 11 research presentations from 14 students. Project topics included measuring grip strength in athletes, gender perception, anti-bullying initiatives, and DNA fingerp...
June, 01 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeThe 2022 Elmira College recipient of the Marian Ames Memorial Prize is Ryan Hardy of Campton, NH. The Marian Ames Chemistry Prize is presented each year by the Class of 1936 in memory of Miss Ames...
May, 26 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeThe Elmira College Eta Sigma chapter of the Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) national biological sciences honor society recently hosted the 2022 annual district convention for the northeastern-1 (NE-1) region. Undergraduate students from colleges and universit...
May, 18 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy of Campton, NH has been named to the Elmira College Dean's List for the Winter 2022 Term. Full-time undergraduate students registered for at least 12 computable credit hours and earning ...
April, 25 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeThe Academic Honors and Student Recognition Celebration, recently held in Stephans Lounge, Meier Hall, recognized students, administrators, and faculty for exceptional achievement during their time at Elmira College. "While you are being honored for y...
March, 25 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeThe Pi of New York chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at Elmira College held its annual induction and banquet on Friday, March 11. The Pi of New York chapter held its annual induction and banquet on Friday, March 11, inducting 13 newly elected members of high ...
March, 17 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy, of Campton, NH, was one of several students recently recognized by the Pi of New York chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at Elmira College. The Pi of New York chapter held its annual inducti...
March, 17 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeThe Eta Sigma Chapter of Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society held their 2022 induction ceremony on Saturday, Feb. 12. There were eight inductees for regular membership and 13 inductees for associate membership, all of whom met the membersh...
March, 11 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeThe Eta Sigma Chapter of Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society recently held student inductions. There were eight inductees for regular membership and 13 inductees for associate membersh...
March, 11 2022 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy of Campton, NH has been named to the Elmira College Dean's List for the Fall 2021 Term. Full-time undergraduate students registered for at least 12 computable credit hours and earning a ...
December, 15 2021 - Verified by Elmira CollegeTo honor the joy felt by students, faculty and staff who came into contact with Associate Professor of Chemistry Dr. Betsy Smith, Elmira College, along with Smith family members, have established the Dr. Betsy Smith Scholarship to provide support for f...
October, 14 2021 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy, majoring in Biochemistry, is among the new and returning students enrolled at Elmira College for Fall 2021. Congratulations and welcome to Ryan and all Elmira College students.
September, 29 2021 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy, of Campton, NH, was one of 28 students inducted into the Elmira College circle, or chapter, of Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society. The Society recognizes achiev...
June, 08 2021 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy, of Campton, NH, was one of several students recognized at the Eleventh Annual Elmira College Student Research Conference. The conference was held virtually via Zoom and Gather Town on M...
May, 20 2021 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy of Campton, NH has been named to the Elmira College Dean's List for the Winter 2021 Term. Full-time undergraduate students registered for at least 12 computable credit hours and earning ...
April, 26 2021 - Verified by Elmira CollegeElmira College's Eta Sigma chapter of the Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) National Biological Honor Society is hosting this year's Northeast-1 (NE-1) Regional District Convention on Saturday, April 24. Undergraduate students and faculty members from colleges ...
April, 16 2021 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy, of Campton, NH, was one of several students recently recognized during the Elmira College Pi of New York Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa annual induction ceremony. Phi Beta Kappa, the oldes...
March, 26 2021 - Verified by Elmira CollegeThe Elmira College Kappa Omicron Chapter of the Gamma Sigma Epsilon National Chemical Honor Society held a virtual student induction on February 26. Ryan Hardy, of Campton, NH, was one of 13 studen...
March, 03 2021 - Verified by Elmira CollegeThe Kappa Omicron Chapter of the Gamma Sigma Epsilon National Chemical Honor Society held a virtual student induction on February 26, inducting thirteen students to the Honor Society. Gamma Sigma Epsilon is a national chemistry honor society founded...
March, 03 2021 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy of Campton, NH has been named to the Elmira College Dean's List for the Fall 2020 Term. Full-time undergraduate students registered for at least 12 computable credit hours and earning a ...
December, 17 2020 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy, of Campton, NH, was one of 20 students recently inducted in the Elmira College chapter of Phi Eta Sigma, the International Honor Society rewarding first-collegiate-year scholarship. In...
November, 20 2020 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy, of Campton, NH, was one of three Elmira College students awarded the 2020 Moser Freshman Prize. Each year, the Moser Freshman Prize is presented to the student or students achieving th...
November, 20 2020 - Verified by Elmira CollegeThe 2020 Moser Freshman Prize was awarded to three recipients at the annual Elmira College Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society induction: Paige Stilts, '23 Paige comes from Elkland, PA and is a Biology major preparing for medical school. Paige is a member ...
November, 17 2020 - Verified by Elmira CollegeOn Friday, November 13, twenty Elmira College students were inducted into Phi Eta Sigma, the International Honor Society rewarding first-collegiate-year scholarship. In addition to the 20 students, Dr. Chris Terry, associate professor of psychology,...
November, 17 2020 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy, majoring in Biochemistry, is among the new and returning students enrolled at Elmira College for Fall 2020. Congratulations and welcome to Ryan and all Elmira College students.
October, 01 2020 - Verified by Elmira CollegeAs part of National Video Games Day on Saturday, September 12, the Elmira College esports team raised $2,000 to benefit American Red Cross Disaster Relief efforts. Ryan Hardy, of Campton, NH, was o...
September, 15 2020 - Verified by Elmira CollegeAs part of National Video Games Day on Saturday, September 12, the Elmira College esports team raised $2,000 to benefit American Red Cross Disaster Relief efforts. The Soaring Eagles ranked among the leaders on the crowdfunding website, Tiltify, whi...
September, 15 2020 - Verified by Elmira CollegeThe Empire 8 Conference recognized 94 Elmira College student-athletes on its semi-annual President's List, which honors student-athletes who achieved a grade-point average of 3.75 or higher during ...
June, 25 2020 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy, of Campton, NH, has been named to the Elmira College Dean's List for the Winter 2020 Term. Full-time undergraduate students registered for at least 12 computable credit hours and earnin...
April, 17 2020 - Verified by Elmira CollegeEach year the Freshman Writing Prize is awarded to a first-year student who has taken both courses in the Academic Writing Program sequence and has demonstrated mastery of the writing, critical thi...
April, 08 2020 - Verified by Elmira CollegeEach year the Freshman Writing Prize is awarded to a first-year student who has taken both courses in the Academic Writing Program sequence and has demonstrated mastery of the writing, critical thinking, and oral communications skills studied in those ...
April, 08 2020 - Verified by Elmira CollegeThe Eta Sigma Chapter of Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society held student inductions on Sunday, February 9. There were 13 inductees for regular membership and nine inductees for assoc...
February, 13 2020 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy of Campton, NH, has been named to the Elmira College Dean's List for the Fall 2019 Term. Full-time undergraduate students registered for at least 12 computable credit hours and earning a...
December, 19 2019 - Verified by Elmira CollegeRyan Hardy, majoring in Philosophy and Religion (BA), is among the new and returning students enrolled at Elmira College for Fall 2019. Congratulations and welcome to Ryan and all Elmira College st...
September, 20 2019 - Verified by Elmira CollegeThe Promising Class of 2023 began their Elmira College journey recently, and for eleven incoming students, their attendance at EC is the continuation of a long-standing family tradition. For Sarah Bleiler '23, she is following in the 100-year footst...
September, 20 2019 - Verified by Elmira CollegeObserved with an oncologist as they interacted with patients and other health care professionals. Also observed the administrative responsibilities of oncology and the preparation of reports for patients.
As a Resident Assistant, I help engage students in activities to help build community, provide reliable resources for students to reach out to for personal and or academic concerns, and cooperate with fellow staff members to effectively ensure the safety and wellbeing while helping provide am enjoyable and engaging college experience.
Properly store, handle, and organize chemicals in a laboratory and stock room setting.
Prepare chemicals and set laboratory experiments to be conducted by students while communicating with professors concerning their specific laboratory needs.
Maintain, clean, and ensure the proper use of laboratory equipment.
As a banking services representative, I help provide professional customer service by developing relationships with customers while handling their banking needs, connecting customers and setting appointments with the proper personnel to resolve their issues or specific financial needs, work with a team to help run an efficient office by keeping proper organization of documents while effectively and timely communicating with coworkers on updated information.